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Compatibility for using a a4ld out of a 90 ranger for my 92???


February 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Colorado Springs, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 ranger & 99 X Limited
Hello, I recently lost my overdrive band in my 2wd ranger with a 4.0 and even more recently lost engine brakeing, the tranny guy told me it was gonna be $1400!!!! So i looked around and found a A4ld out of a 1990 2wd ranger 4.0. Will this trans work ok with my 92? If it will let me know ASAP so i can go pick it up before its gone. ($100 is alot better than $1400) :) Thank you very much

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As far as I know, mechanically it should be a perfect swap, but electrically there might be a few differences connector wise.

My tranny did the same thing as yours....first no OD, then no engine braking....still goes alright though.

Yea it seems to go just fine threw the gears and haven't had much slipping but just don't want to put it to chance, plus it would be nice to be able to keep up on I-25 :)

I read somewhere that they wen't to the electronic overdrive engagement in 1990 and used it untill 93 so i'm hoping it will be the same.

Ranger19 - My saving grace is my 3.08 gears. I can run about 3000 rpms at about 75 without OD, with OD it was running a hair over 2000 at 75.

BrooklynBay, would the difference in update of transmissions make it less durable?

Masterd, are your gears stock or did you change them? If stock what is your rear-end code?

Ranger19 - My gears are stock...wouldn't trade em for my life :D

If the trans comes out, always replace the accumulators. They are hell to do in the vehicle, not bad out on the ground. Later trans(4R44E/5R55E) have better accumulators, and they drop right into the A4LD.

Adjust the bands, install VB upgrades and kit if you can.

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