Compatible Engines for my 04 Explorer 4.0 vin k | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Compatible Engines for my 04 Explorer 4.0 vin k


February 15, 2015
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2002 Mountaineer
Can anyone tell me from experience, what years engines will work correctly for my 2004 explorer xlt not sport trac or sport. 4.0 sohc 4x4 VIN K. My timing chain broke lol and I dont want to rebuild the entire engine (it has 176k). I dont mind changing intake/oil pan/valve covers etc but I dont want to get into changing heads etc. What years will work. According to car part, only 2004 will work, but I have been told 98 thru 07 and then 01 thru 10. Any ideas/knowledge/suggestions? Thanks in advance. This forum has always helped me and for that I am very greatful!

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98 through 10, the newer the better. Be it from a stang, an xploder, a ranger, or a rover. Not sure what the N on the stang stands for but I do belive it should work as well. They can be found for less, up here anyway. Salvage wants 1700 for a low mileage ranger 4.0, but only 1200 for the same mileage stang for some reason. I think someone forgot to tell them they are the same engine.

Newer engines are no better FYI.

balance shaft

Your Mountaineer 4x4 probably has a balance shaft. Almost all of the Mustangs and the Explorers/Mountaineers/Rangers that are rear wheel drive will not have the balance shaft. The fuel injector insulators/seals on the Mustang engines are different from the Explorers. The older Explorers/Mountaineers have a crankcase breather that the later models don't have.

Around 2004 the head or block casting was changed making it difficult to remove install the cassettes with the heads in place.
The harmonic balancer changed early in the 3rd Gen series.

08 stang engine work in 04 explorer?

From what everyone is saying, from what I understand, a 2008 mustang 4.0 vin N engine will work in my 04 explorer 4.0 4x4 vin k. Is this correct? If so, what will in need to swap over? intake/valve covers/oil pand/sensors? Thanks so much!
