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How to: Complete Body Detail

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Here we go. I am going to do a complete body detail of my 98 Explorer. First will be a wash, then clay bar. The wash again, then use some compound to remove some scratches. Then will use a swirl remover. Then a glaze to bring out the shine. Then will use some Klasse All In 1 glaze to give it a final seal. After all of that then I will wax. I will list the products that I use, exactly as I use them.

Notice the new hood scoop, EE Airdam, billet grille and bumper billet. New CobraR mag wheels and Pirelli tires.

First set of pictures is after I washed her. Now getting ready to use a clay bar. The clay bar I am using is by Meguiar's.







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Ronnie, now ya gotta get some clear headlights.

Have you considered removing the roof rack?

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Ebay Al
Are alteezas

LOL, I just bought new head lights. I am running clear bulbs, silverstars I think. Those Altezza's are nice. I saw some that I almost bought, but they were like 130 a pair just for tailights. After I get it back and put some miles on it, I will get some new tails, which ones I don't know just yet.

I just can't afford to buy those other head lights in the group buy yet. Too many other things I want more.

aldive said:
Ronnie, now ya gotta get some clear headlights.

Have you considered removing the roof rack?
I don't know if I could ever remove the roof rack even though I never use it. Maybe 1 day I will. Knowing my luck, the day I remove it will be the day I need it, LOL.

Looking good BBQ, Did you/they make the hood scoop function? I know yo uicant have it hooked up to make it into your intake without some major fab work, but i thought mayeb they cut soem holes in the hood, to let air in to help cool, and maybe let hot air out while sittign still.....

But like i said, Looks good, now only if they would finish your radio, LOL

BBQ_HotDogs said:
I don't know if I could ever remove the roof rack even though I never use it. Maybe 1 day I will. Knowing my luck, the day I remove it will be the day I need it, LOL.

Consider just removing the cross bars ( a 10 min job ) and storing in the garage for the unlikely time you would need it.

I think I will remove those cross bars Al. That is a real good idea. Thanks.

XplorerKid said:
Looking good BBQ, Did you/they make the hood scoop function? I know yo uicant have it hooked up to make it into your intake without some major fab work, but i thought mayeb they cut soem holes in the hood, to let air in to help cool, and maybe let hot air out while sittign still.....

But like i said, Looks good, now only if they would finish your radio, LOL
It's not a fully funtioning hood scoop. It's just for looks.

BBQ_HotDogs said:
No, I took there shop truck. They have asked for it back, and I just laughed.

That should get them to work faster - I would have done the same months ago.

The wax job looks AWESOME!

BBQ_HotDogs said:
I think I will remove those cross bars Al. That is a real good idea. Thanks.

Makes it look a lot better AND ot does help with mileage.

This detail thread may not be finished now cause someone hit my truck last night. Pictures coming soon as I can get over there. There loaner won't start for me so I am so frustrated and crying right now.

What happened! That sucks major ass. All your work will have to be redone if they have to do a body repair.

You must be super frustrated. :(

And this is how she looks today. I keep her waxed and use a detail spray often and use my Oxy duster almost daily on her to keep the dust off.




Man, that is slick! Nice truck!

wow, thats all i have to say. Very nice. Couldnt have done it nicer.

This is off-topic but are those 17's or 18's?

Man I just read that whole thread from start to finish ! LOL Had me hooked better than most movies comin out nowadays ! LMAO . Awesome job on you X bud . That is one of the sharpest vehicles I have seen ! I wish you lived in PA to show me some tricks !

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