Computer reseting after every new accessory??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Computer reseting after every new accessory???

Jesus A Ochoa

September 23, 2000
Reaction score
I´m getting all mess up regarding the computer reset.
Do I have to reset the computer (disconect the battery) every time I do install any new performance accessory??
such as: air induction kit, new plugs, new muffler (flowmaster), just to name few.

I heard the computer must be reset, so it will relearn and add the new imput. When is really necesary to do that, so far I´ve done three times.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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I'm not sure if you need to with the spark plugs. I doesn't hurt to do it though and it only takes a second to reset your radio stations and clock.

I reset the CPU when I installed my induction kit. Doing this lets the CPU start out fresh as if it's the first time it was ever started. This way it learns the modifications as if they were there from the start which they were because you reset the CPU.

[Edited by 2001ExpSport on 10-08-2000 at 07:26 PM]

do you have Will it help if you do...yes. On top of getting improvement out of the mods you made you'll also reset all of the info the computer "learned" about your driving style. I try to reset the computer about once a month. It might just be me but it does seem to help even if I don't do any mods.


[Edited by 2001ExpSport on 10-08-2000 at 07:50 PM]

I also reset my computer frequently, especially after a trip over 200 miles or when the temperature changes a lot. I've noticed those are times when it seems a bit sluggish.

To fully reset the computer, disconnect the negative lead for a few HOURS. Then let the truck idle for about 10 minutes, and run it easy for the first little bit of driving.

Thanks guys

Thanks for the imput on it,That´s what I thought but I wanted to double check with the experts.

By the way as you all may know, mine is a 1999 V6 OHV sport 4x4.

Thanks again
