constantly blown fuse, Electric Shift Control? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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constantly blown fuse, Electric Shift Control?


New Member
January 6, 2005
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humarock ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT, 04XLS
96 Explorer XLT

I see a lot of great info on this board I hope someone has seen this problem before. Fuse 26 on the interior fuse panel keeps blowing. this fuse serves the backup lights and also some portion of the 4x4 system. Rang out the backup lights so I think the problem is related to the 4x4 electric shift system. Following a lot of threads on the board I started to take apart the electric shift motor. When I pulled apart the connector I found that the terminals inside the connector had corroded to the point where the pins had broken off inside the connector. After Verifing that the bushing inside the mechanism was OK and the motor was operational I went about individually splicing and sealing the 14 wires from this connection. I disconnected the battery to reset the computer and tested the repair . The 4H light came on steady but I didn't verify if it was actually engaged when I tried to switch to 4L both the 4H and 4L lights started blinking for about 10 seconds and then the 26 fuse blew again. After replacing the fuse I couldn't get either light to illuminate and the fuse seemed to blow as the gearshift lever was moved by neutral.
Any advice on what to look at next. Im looking for testing proceedures for the Transfer Case Shift Relay and also for any feedback on additional items which may be the related to the problem.

Thanks . :thumbsup:

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Changed Transmission Range Sensor no Luck. Any Advice?

Thanks In2ford

For anyone that cares the cause was the overdrive button wire shorting out on the steering column where it exited the shift lever. Thanks to In2ford for responding to an email . He had a similar problem .

I'm having the same problem on with AWD '97 Explorer #26 Fuse.

overdrive, DRL
system, backup lamps,
AWD, rear defroster

I have replaced the fuse & tried to eliminate the variables.

The overdrive switch & rear defroster work fine.
I can put the vehicle in reverse & the backup lamps work.
But, if I put the vehicle in DRIVE the fuse blows.

Any thoughts?

Did you look for the shorted OD button wire in the steering column?

Not yet...

Today I replaced the fuse and tried the following:
Turned overdrive on/off & rear defroster switch worked.
With transmission in R, backup lamps turned on.
I selected gear 2 & everything held.
The automatic door locks also worked as we drove off.
At the stop sign, I shifted to (D) and the fuse blew.

How do I take off the steering column cover?
Is it connected to the airbag?
Do I have to do anything special so it doesn't accidentally deploy?

I haven't had the explorer for a while now . The column cover is not attached to the air bag I believe that it can be removed with a couple of screws. Look for the overdrive button wire coming out of the shift lever . This wire is what rubs on the column and shorts out the fuse. wrap it up in some electric tape and you should be all set.
