control arms and ball joint replacement?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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control arms and ball joint replacement??


February 19, 2010
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1998 XLT
hello everyone i had a few question hope that someone can help me...well my 1998 ford explorer has been making some loud squeking from my front end...the only thing i could think of is replacing the ball joints but not sure if i should replace my control arms truck has 170,000 miles on it not sure if the control arms and ball joints have been replaced before but wanted some opinions from you guys....if i should replace the control arms and ball joints is there any type that i should buy that are better suited for off roading cause i really want to start hitting the trails but need some tune ups and its got some kind of lift on it if that matters well hope someone can get back to me asap ....thanks:usa:

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i repalce my uppers and the pass side was ball joint/ control arm as one unit. drivers is different. my brother did mine as i was out of town so i dont know how hard they are on the ex's i also have a 98 ex xlt 4x4 4door.

it wouldn't hurt to replace the whole control arm, since with that many miles, chances are the control arm bushings could be shot.

it's also less time consuming to just replace the CAs.

thanks for the going to change the control arms and ball joints this weekend and my passenger side cv joint as well i looked under my truck and saw that the boot was ripped so that sucker is wearing down....

I just replaced the whole front end on my Mounty. It had about 150k miles and the suspension was really worn out. If the suspension is worn out, it's a good chance the steering system will need to be looked at. The Rack and Pinion is a Pita to get out, (easier if you remove the inner tie rods) at least in the V8 model. Here is a before and after:

I picked up the Upper Control Arms from Rock Auto, went with Raybestos Professional Grade.
They ran out of the lower Raybestos Professional Control Arms (at that time, it looks like they may have them again), so I pick up a set at the local Napa Store. Anything that required a core, I used a local supplier. I went with all heavy duty quailty parts, I didnt want to have to do this again for a while.



Now to keep it looking that way... :)

Looks great... did you overhaul the entire thing? Looks like new bearings, bushings, everything down to the brake line... Exactly what I would like to do on my Mounty. Any additional pictures to share?

Looks great... did you overhaul the entire thing? Looks like new bearings, bushings, everything down to the brake line... Exactly what I would like to do on my Mounty. Any additional pictures to share?

Yes, I replaced the whole front end, upper and lower control arms, cv joints, hubs, brakes, lines, Rack and Pinion Steering, tire rod ends. I plan on keeping the truck for a while, so it was a good investment.
I spent about $3k, but most of the cost was the wheels, tires, Bilstein Shocks & Xpress lowering kit.
It now rides better then it did when it was new. I have some more pics, I will try to post later.:cool:

x2!!! Nice Work Dana!!!
