Coolant Fountain! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coolant Fountain!


August 11, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLS and '06 XLT
So, I replaced the thermostat and housing today. I was very proud of my work until...

After a careful drive around the block to see how everything was running, I noticed smoke coming from the engine compartment as I pulled into my driveway. I quickly turned off the engine and lifted the hood. There was coolant and steam everywhere. Puddles of coolant in every nook and cranny. Like an idiot, I forgot to reinstall the retaining clip on the temperature sensor. Coolant had sprayed all over the place. I cleaned up as much as I could and reinstalled the clip. Everything appears to be fine, however, I'm wondering what I should do now. Should I hose off the engine after it cools down? I have heard that coolant is not good on rubber, so I don't want to leave it sitting there, and I'm not sure if this stuff evaporates. Any suggestions are much appreciated. I really don't feel like paying a shop $100 to get an engine detail, but that will be my last resort. Thanks for any suggestions.

2006 Explorer XLT 4.0L V6

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Just on a side note, after reinstalling the temp sensor, I checked the gauge and the temp was within the normal range, so I don't think the engine overheated at all. It was a 2 minute drive around the block.

Get some large plastic kitchen bags and cover the fuse box, coil pack, and alternator, then spray with low water pressure on a cold engine. Keep the spray away from the air intake behind the headlight. If you don't have an air compressor, a leaf blower works well to remove any excess water. Make sure the ECT sensor clip is installed correctly, and all the way in. :thumbsup:

Sounds good. I do have a leaf blower. =) Yes, the clip is installed all the way. Won't make that mistake twice. Thanks!

If you have a reasonably clean engine that you want to detail, try this stuff. No oily residue, and doesn't give that fake, shiny "Armor-All" look. By far the best I've used for ALL exterior or interior plastic, rubber, or vinyl trim. As with all detailer sprays, must be re-applied after repeated washings or rain. O'Reilly's usually stocks it for about $7 per 12 ounce can.

Ok, done deal. We'll see if everything is ok. Thanks again for the tip. The leaf blower was a success.

Same thing happened to me today, except now my engine will not start. I wonder if I shorted out the alternator or starter.
