Could I add a remote start? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Could I add a remote start?


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May 21, 2009
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'97 xlt/k&n fipk gen 2
I have a keyless entry remote with lock/unlock/panic/trunk release
my question is since I dont use the trunk release button can I program it to use as an auto start button? Just wondering if it is possible and if so does anyone know how to do it because I am planning on doing it myself if its not too much of a hassle. I have a 97 explorer. thanks for the input.

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Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread to the stock 95-01 section. I think that would work, but you would need a remote start system in addition to this. They have a timer for cutting off the remote start if the electrical system is not activated, and a timer to determine how many times the engine will turn over. Old remote start systems used with carburetors had a throttle kicker to pump gas into it first. It's like stepping on the pedal a couple of times prior to starting it.

I am sure that there is a way for some electrical genius. I wouldn't even think about it since I know how much stuff you have to splice and wire up for a remote that IS a starter. I got mine from Sears for $50 2 years ago and it took me about 4.5 hours to hook it up in my 97. Man there are a lot of wires! I know they still have them cause a couple months ago I bought another for my wife's escape. They have the door lock, panic button, trunk (which I don't use either) and a start/stop button. It works well, no problems. Some times it takes two tries to start though.
The instructions say you need a special module which I ordered, but turns out it's not necessary on the 97 Exp.
Good luck if you try to figure it out though.

If you want a remote starter, I would strongly recomend purchasing a unit that was designed for this. Trying to convert you current remote entry would be much more effort than it is worth. When you consider the amount of time, and then the parts you would need to purchase, it would not be worth it.

i think what he means is can he add remote start and use his factory keyfob to activate the remote starter unit and the answer is yes

i think what he means is can he add remote start and use his factory keyfob to activate the remote starter unit and the answer is yes

The question is how, Not trying to be a smarty, but I agree with you. I can see how it would work... but which starter system will he buy and how will he connect it. I have a 97XSport and a Report starter would be great... and so would a keyless entry for that matter...

jcmoral When you get an Idea on how your going to do this and what you bought, please update us, cause I would like to follow your foot steps or at least walk in your general direction :)

thanks for the good feedback haven't got to it yet but after a few little things im gonna try doing something about the remote start.
