Could I cut my muffler off? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Could I cut my muffler off?


New Member
June 25, 2009
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Chicago IL
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99 4WD
Hi, I think im gonna cut my muffler off to make my X louder is this problematic? and where could i find the info on how to do this.

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Hi, I think im gonna cut my muffler off to make my X louder is this problematic? and where could i find the info on how to do this.

i wouldnt but i did have two of the four cats cut off no engine light tripped and with the 40 series flowmaster it sounds beautiful!!

when pulled mine off just to hear it, it sounded way good and loud...but it was gutless, i would buy a cat back system if anything, it probably wont pass emissions when you go to license it(w/ out muffler).

yea i cut 2 of my cats out too and it sounds great! no check engine light and i passed inspection without them too! apparently its because 2nd gens are OBDII so they just hook it up to the computer

Inspection stations are supposed to check everything in the car from the wiper blades, lights, and horn to the gas cap, tire tread, and brakes in addition to the regular emissions test. A check engine light is also an automatic failure. I've renamed, and moved your thread to the modified 95-01 section.

Inspection stations are supposed to check everything in the car from the wiper blades, lights, and horn to the gas cap, tire tread, and brakes in addition to the regular emissions test. A check engine light is also an automatic failure. I've renamed, and moved your thread to the modified 95-01 section.

i got my sticker just fine w/o the two cat emmisions tested fine no muffler is excessive but one with a sweet tone like a flow or borla even magnaflow i hear is a gd choice

Inspection stations are supposed to check everything in the car from the wiper blades, lights, and horn to the gas cap, tire tread, and brakes in addition to the regular emissions test. A check engine light is also an automatic failure. I've renamed, and moved your thread to the modified 95-01 section.

i passed with 3 different sized tires and 2 of them were bald...

Magnaflow and Flowmaster make good sounding mufflers. Check them out. I'm very happy with my MAgnaflow. I also swiss cheesed my lower air box and canned all my silencers (but ALL smog equipment is in place).

Brooklyn, I wish we had regular inspections around here. So many death traps would finally be yanked off the street.

While it's good that some places are very thorough, there are inspection stations that are crooks, and use an inspection as an excuse to extort money on unnecessary repairs. Some people never maintain their vehicles, so I guess you could call them death traps. Some stations make every vehicle coming into their place sound like they are a death trap, so you can't just go to them to get a sticker without doing a repair at the same time.

While it's good that some places are very thorough, there are inspection stations that are crooks, and use an inspection as an excuse to extort money on unnecessary repairs. Some people never maintain their vehicles, so I guess you could call them death traps. Some stations make every vehicle coming into their place sound like they are a death trap, so you can't just go to them to get a sticker without doing a repair at the same time.

Why can't people just be honest and straightforward?

OP- don't cut off your muffler, it may be loud, but there is a difference between loud and performance loud. Go with the latter. :)

Why can't people just be honest and straightforward? :)
Answer $$$$. They make very little on inspections since it's mostly done as a service. Some shops only do repairs, and don't do inspections. I think the Jiffy Lube places are like this. They only change oil (unless their repair policy varies from state to state which I'm not aware of).

Sounds like you need the inspections to be government run.... oh nevermind, You can't win.

Just play with the and we're dealt. ;)

After the emissions tests were scraped here in MN everyone has there mufflers removed on pickups and some SUV's. Really do wish that was still going on. People kept there cars in way better working order because of them.

i wanna remove 2 of my cats i think i got 4 or 6 cats on my explorer but i wanna remove 2 of them and i got the single in and dual out 40 series flows on my 01 sport.

i wanna remove 2 of my cats i think i got 4 or 6 cats on my explorer but i wanna remove 2 of them and i got the single in and dual out 40 series flows on my 01 sport.

You're in California. Good luck with that.

California has the strictest emissions laws compared to any other state. There is no way anybody will pass you. Even a friend that has a shop will be afraid of getting closed down if they find out that he passed you without a catalytic converter. You will have problems if you try to sell or trade it like this.

Running no cats is bad mmmk??

Oh crap- wait a second

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i wanna remove 2 of my cats i think i got 4 or 6 cats on my explorer but i wanna remove 2 of them and i got the single in and dual out 40 series flows on my 01 sport.
