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Cowl Induction Hood


Well-Known Member
June 21, 2003
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City, State
Ocean Springs,MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Explorer EB
I want to buy me a Cowl Induction hood for my 93. Does anyone else have one on earlier Gen that they can send me some pics of. Also anyone know where they sell them pretty cheap.

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You can get one from but I heard they don't always fit too well.

Mine is from Unlimited Products and fits well.


  • Front fiber.JPG
    Front fiber.JPG
    43 KB · Views: 1,870

NOTAJP said:
Mine is from Unlimited Products and fits well.
LoL have you painted that yet? I remember that pic from a LONG time ago.

oh god. that thing is ugly. hahaha.

oops sorry.

huskyfan23 said:
LoL have you painted that yet? I remember that pic from a LONG time ago.

LOL, that pic is from a long time ago. No it still hasn't been painted. Last summer I ended up leaving (the country) for quite a while. Upon my return, it was too cold to work the fiberglass. Now I'm working 70 hours/week (not including this job), welding on the side, and trying to buy a house. Hopefully it'll all be primered at least by Sept.

XplorerKid said:
If you dotn mind me asking, how much that go for?
If I remember correctly I belive it was only about $200. It's the basic one from their website; 2" rise, no hood latch, and unfinished on the inside.

WHen you say no hood latch what do you mean? On that site they say you can get one latch or pin. Whats the difference

The front hood latch, like stock where you reach in the grill to release the hood. Unlimited Products makes it an option on their hoods where they mold in some heavy duty plates to bolt up the hood latch to the hood. My setup requires the use of hood pins (like drag racers or muscle cars of the 60's).

Oh ok. So if I was to get the pin hood then Id have to drill holes and put hood pins to keep it down. Yea thats cool but I dont want that so Im gonna get the latch one. Do I take the old latch off my truck and bolt it on there or does it come with a new one or what also which latch you talkin bout the one in the grill right?

Just tryin to clear everything up for everyone reading this post also.

I Know this is a little off topic but does any know if you can get a Mach 1 hood for a 94? will a ranger hood 88-92 fit on the first gen x's?

Explorer19 said:
Oh ok. So if I was to get the pin hood then Id have to drill holes and put hood pins to keep it down. Yea thats cool but I dont want that so Im gonna get the latch one. Do I take the old latch off my truck and bolt it on there or does it come with a new one or what also which latch you talkin bout the one in the grill right?

Just tryin to clear everything up for everyone reading this post also.

Yes, just unbolt your latch and bolt onto the new hood. I wish I would have gone that route myself. Even though the pins are very secure off-road,they are a PITA.
