Coyote Adrenalin at the track | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coyote Adrenalin at the track


Well-Known Member
June 4, 2008
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City, State
Gastonia, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 5.0 Coyote Adrenalin
Well, I finally got the 5.0 Coyote Adrenalin to a 1/8 mi dragstrip last weekend. With a full weight truck, and the spare tire and bed cover on, it ran an 8.89 at 83 mph. I only made 2 full passes.

On the 3rd pass, I tried a more aggressive launch, got some wheel spin, and the rear gave me some wheel hop. Before I could get out of the gas fast enough, it snapped a halfshaft and had to get towed off the track. Doh!

These axles are very prone to wheel hop even on the street, so I may have to come up with a way to get a solid axle under there.

I think this truck had a few more tenths in it. I was taking it real easy out of the gate, almost bogging it down. Shifting at around 6800 rpm (the Coyote will go to 7000).

8.80's is faster than a bolt-on 99-04 Mustang GT, so I'm happy. I have no doubt I could push this down to 8.60's with some seat time. Not too bad for a 5000 lb truck, eh?


  • 8.89 Adrenalin.JPG
    8.89 Adrenalin.JPG
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It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to mount an 8.8 from a second gen explorer under there, unless they made radical changes to the frame for the IRS.

Radical changes. The axles go trough the frame...that would likely be a bigger project than the engine swap was!

SOLID AXLE SWAP?!?! WHAT?!?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Solid axle's handle like crap compaired to an IRS. Come and move up to where I live, drive up and down a 20 mile curvy mountain road 5 days a week. You'll change your mind. lol. And what do you mean you get wheel hop on the street? Is it only under hard power or even just cruising?

It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to mount an 8.8 from a second gen explorer under there, unless they made radical changes to the frame for the IRS.

If you look up Stang5lgt's Lazyboy project he SAS'd a Lincoln Aviator with full independent suspension you can see somewhat of what it takes to swap in a solid axle. Plus he really knows his stuff when it comes to fabrication.

Edit: By the way I love how fast your Trac is!!

Any chance the irs from some of the R model Mustangs could be fabricated. I know they were few and far between, but a thought. Seems like they existed around 03-04...looking through the cobwebs in my mind...

IRS cant handle that much power. I have two friends with heavily modded 03 cobras both in the 500 HP range at wheels but one has been swaped to a 8.8 from a GT with a girdle cover moser shafts wielded tubes and c clip Eliminators. The other has about 10,000$ in whatever you can get for the IRS and it cant handle the motor.

A solid axle conversion would be tough without some major frame modifications. Unless you plan on drag racing this truck on a regular basis I would be looking at beefier half shafts first. I wonder how close the half shaft design is to those from the 03-04 Cobra? Both vehicles use the 8.8 differential. I suppose there could be a difference in length. Solving the wheel hop issue could go a long way towards improving axle durability as well. Maybe try a set of air bags?

I bet if you made up some delrin or solid bushings for the rear diff mount, and swapped out some of the other rubber bushings in the rear suspension it would really cut down on the wheel hop. I had a 350z and those cars had real bad wheel hop, that was commonly cured with solid bushings where the diff mounts to the subframe.. Just a thought..

After looking at the rear end setup on this truck a little more, you guys are right in that it would very intensive to do a solid axle swap because the axles go through the frame. Not really worth it for a street truck. I just won't visit the track again with it unless I just leave really soft to prevent the wheel hop. The axle shafts themselves are significantly less thickness than a Cobra axle. I measured the comparison here at the shop.

Possibly an upgrade would be to a larger shaft, if I could find one with the proper length. But there's also a need for better control arms and bushings in the rear. It's really not designed to handle a lot of stress.

She's back on the road again with a new axle finally.

Just another stock one for now.

I read both your engine swap threads in full for your STA and all I can say is wow!! Nice to see the work that goes into creating something unique for you. I've been considering looking at beefier rear axles myself, and the Cobra was the first vehicle I thought of but idk if the length is corrected. Then again, do you think that changing the rear diff as well would make a difference? Or maybe finding a way to full turn traction control completely off
