Crack Tailgate By Mercury Emblem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crack Tailgate By Mercury Emblem


Well-Known Member
February 17, 2001
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City, State
Central Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer 4.6L
Just been going over our new to us 2004 Mercury Mountaineer and noticed a crack below the tailgate glass that extends into and part of the way around the Mercury emblem.

Any good fixes for this? I understand others have experienced this.

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I understand others have experienced this.

You mean everyone has experienced this?? Lol.

I have even herd of dealers not selling replacements because they know they will break again and they don't want to deal with the comeback on them. Mine is cracked in two places on my 04 explorer. I would like it fixed as its the only thing minus a scratch or two from mine being pretty clean, so listening in for an alternative!

Mine cracked right at the Ford emblem. That is where they all crack. At first you had to by the whole back glass to get them. Now you can get just the plastic panel. Their is no easy fix. You have to get the panel, have it painted, order the emblem, and then have it installed. It will be easier to let the glass company install it thats what we did at the dealers. I think its between $700- $1000.00 total plus tax. The part is around $100.00 - $200.00, paint is probably double that and about $200.00 + to install. Don't quote me on these prices but its around that area. I am getting mine done in a few months. And yes we did a ton of them. You could try calling Ford and complaining and see if they will help you.

So what is that panel above the emblem and glass made of, metal or fiberglass?

I am surprised that no one has come out with a thin, tough adhesive plastic panel for this problem. It only has to be a cosmetic fix so the overlay can be thin and flexible.

Has anyone tried bond-o and paint?

I think I'm one of the only ones that hasn't had that piece crack on my Mountaineer (early build 2002).

Has anyone tried bond-o and paint?

The issue is the expansion/contraction of the plastic while the adhesive prevents freedom of motion. Bondo would only last a short while until it cracked again.

My 2003 x has 191k and has NEVER cracked... now that I said that im sure it will... Ironically enough, my 2005 Aviator is cracked. I feel like bondo would generally be the way to go. BUT it has a custom painted pin stripe thing and would have to take it off and redo it or take it off completely- which would look weird. Regardless, the aviator is for sale so im not dealing with it... its been a very expensive turd.

i was wondering the same thing lol

I tried bond-o it won't work when it heats up the crack get very small like its not even there when it cools down the crack gets very large again bond-o fall right out. Mine cracked on the left side straight down about 7 inches from the Ford Emblem now it's cracking on top of the crack it's like a T now. Few years ago I bought the new whole fiberglass part and new ford emblem from .I never got it fixed yet or got it painted it's sitting in my bedroom closet in the box. Maybe one day .....
