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Cruise Control dead


Elite Explorer
September 1, 2003
Reaction score
Fall river ma
City, State
2010 Ford Explorer V6 Fall River Ma...
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mercury Mountaineer
all of a sudden my cruise control stopped working.
at the same time the on and off lights on the steering wheel also quit.
Also not sure if connected but had a girl at a top light tell me yesterday that my brake light was out.
can these be connected in any way,
or can the light going out actually kill the cruise control???

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You've probably got a bad switch.

The brake switch on the brake pedal is the problem. The lights dying in the steering wheel is common occurance, but the cruise still works with those out.

They don't always work with the light out. I have seen the wires inside the switch break causing both the light and the switch to fail at the same time.
