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Custom Exhaust price


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2003
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City, State
Hopewell Junction NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer Sport
Hey guys im gettin my exhaust done 2morrow morning and i just wanted to know if this price was a lil high, i know area and state all make a diffrence but i just wanna throw it out there. hes givin me all new piping from the cat back, from the cats hes goin with a Y pipe to a single inlet and single outlet with a 50 series flowmaster, and new piping out the rear. He quoted me at $375 for everything. I figured it was just a little high but not to bad.

Just seein what u guys think


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Yeah, I think a little high, but expected. Exhaust work is very high profit labor.

I'm someday going to make my own exhaust. I'm planning for two large Magnaflow 2.5" mufflers, a custom crossover, and two 2.25" tailpipes. I'll buy a bunch of prebent tubing, cut it to fit, and weld it up. Good luck with your's, shop around if you can.

Thanx for the response..yea i know i gotta expect to pay but whatever either drive with a huge hole in the exhaust or shell out a few bucks..good luck with your setup also, it sounds pretty aggressive.

Thats quite high in my opinion. But looks like its a little late now.

ToughCountry said:
Hey guys im gettin my exhaust done 2morrow morning and i just wanted to know if this price was a lil high, i know area and state all make a diffrence but i just wanna throw it out there. hes givin me all new piping from the cat back, from the cats hes goin with a Y pipe to a single inlet and single outlet with a 50 series flowmaster, and new piping out the rear. He quoted me at $375 for everything. I figured it was just a little high but not to bad.

Just seein what u guys think

Thats on the high side unless he is using all S.S pipe for a single out, shop around, 375 is about the price of dual out systems.
Mine was $225.00, single in two out,magnaflow


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I'm after quiet and powerful. Larger mufflers are quieter than smaller mufflers. Smaller tailpipes are quieter than larger sized pipes. I am headed towards a supercharger.

I like those tips. Regards,

Yeah for about the same i was quoted $210 for mine. $375-> Yikes!

thanx guys, was ur prices with the muffler included..if so im def givin him a call in the morning

CDW6212R said:
I'm after quiet and powerful. Larger mufflers are quieter than smaller mufflers. Smaller tailpipes are quieter than larger sized pipes. I am headed towards a supercharger.

I like those tips. Regards,
If your gonna move big time air in with the SC, you gotta get it out with big time pipe :D

ToughCountry said:
thanx guys, was ur prices with the muffler included..if so im def givin him a call in the morning
Muffler included

This plan is my starting point. The 2.25" tailpipes will be double the stock flow. I may change them later, but the big bottleneck is still the exhaust manifolds.

Basic Mustang question: What size header primaries do supercharged 302 Mustangs use, in general? The answer, compared to what we have, is the problem. Regards,

Damn..ok ill be callin in the morning and talking to him..thanx for all the help

I was $275 for pipes, muffler, and tips for the dual setup on my old truck.
