Cut out flares | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cut out flares


February 1, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Lincoln, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
Hi all, been awhile since I've been around. I'm wanting to get a set of Bushwacker Cut out flares, but they don't make them for the Explorer. I was doing some compairing in photo shop with my '94 Sport to a '94 Ranger, and the wheel wells look pretty darn close. I looked at the older Rangers but they didn't seem as close in photo shop, the '94 looked pretty darn close. has anybody tried this? Am I way off? I'd hate to drop 300+ dollars to find out I'm out of luck. Any help would be great.



Might work but I don't know. My brother has a 94 ranger and when i compared my fender opening to his they were kinda different. The ranger has more of a cresent shape to the fender and the explorer has more of a u shape to it. I know there are some companys that make extend a fender flares for the 91-94 sport.

For the same money you can get all new fiberglass fenders from Perry's Fab n' Fiber. Their normal fenders have a 5" flare out, but there is a group buy going on for them to make a run of early model fenders with the same cutout, but only a 2" flare out.
