DALLAS/FT.WORTH AND SURROUNDING AREAS AUGUST 2 & 3RD GILMER RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Axle Annihilator!
March 17, 2002
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City, State
Arlington, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 4x4 Explorer
HELLO, well here it is I know it seemed as if quite a few people were interested on attending an offroad trip.

So here it is, lets go to Gilmer the first week of August!

Plenty of time to plan So who is in??????????????

Also if you would like to go but don't have a 4x4 let me know. So that way anyone who has an open seat may offer it, shy people don't get nothing so ask........:D

I will be camping out, just in case anyone was wondering.


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since everyone is asleep and i am the only one up, i am game. and if no one wants to go riding on the kiddy trail with me, i will hitch a ride in the big dawgs. cool?

In... I think....

Sign me up. BamBam's wheelin' is conditional on getting him fixed up. Right now I need ball joints, maybe R.A. bushings, then tires. $$$ :rolleyes:

Tammy (wifey) likes camping and such, so we will probably attend even if I can't wheel. We could always be camera operators and spotters, I suppose.

BTW. The DFW Xterra club has already organaized a Barnwell run for the Aug. 2-4, and have informed me that they would love to do some trails together. Those guys hit barnwell several times a year, so it will be good to have folks around who know the trails backwards and forewards.

Oh you know I'm in!

SVT Girl is also all about camping too, and I'll join in on the kiddie rides.

I will have cameras, tripod and can be spotters too.

Once gear is unloaded at the site I will have a seat or two availible if anyone would want to ride-a-long.

if everyone is big dawg and i am little dawg(2wd) i would feel intimidated. i dont know, maybe it is just me.

Re: In... I think....

Originally posted by DarkMan

BTW. The DFW Xterra club has already organaized a Barnwell run for the Aug. 2-4, and have informed me that they would love to do some trails together. Those guys hit barnwell several times a year, so it will be good to have folks around who know the trails backwards and forewards.

One of the Xterra guys lives here in Waco, if you know how to get a hold of him mabey he and I can follow each other there.

crap, weekend i gotta work. :(

every friggin weekend at Barnwell trip planned here is a weekend i gotta work. i think you guys are planning it this way on purpose... :D

Originally posted by james t
crap, weekend i gotta work. :(

Aren't you feeling kinda ill???


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If ya want you can ride with me, I will probably have at least one extra seat.

Another one of my buddies will probably have two to three seats available in case you want to ride with them DARKMAN - we are always looking for a good camera man and women.

This will be kewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

sounds great. probably be a one daytrip for me..but no probem

i am in depending on my tranny..... need to see if i can get the leak fixed and then i will go from there..... but if it all goes good i am in.... :)

Is that all YOU GOT!!!!

Come on people, who else wants to go!!!!!

I know we can't be the only offroading X's in the Metroplex, Dallas, Ft Worth, and Arlington are a lot bigger than that! LOL!:D

guess there is just the few of us.

So far I can make this trip. I have a tour schedule in August but it looks like it doesnt start until the next weekend

How about July 25-27? We'll be going up that weekend, and I heard a rumor that there will be free admission for 'member appreciation week.'

id love to go but but my little puppy (2wd) well we have seen how well she can do ....


What do ya'll who have told me the 2nd is ok think of the 25th and 27th????

End of July

I don't think I have any conflicting plans, but from what I've heard, earlier means hotter, and we're already borderline at Aug 3. I'm used to camping in Colorado where even if it is in the 90s during the day, it gets into the 60s at night. I'm guessing at Barnwell, we'll be lucky if the night temps are in the 70s. If Aug 2-4 is a problem, why not try a later date? What's the rationel for going earlier? Just curious.

P.S. Later would give me more of a chance to get my truck ready for the trip. As it stands now, I don't think I'll be able to get tires by end of July, but there's still hope.

both july and aug dates are good for me. so, up to you guys.

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No problem it stays the same.
