Dealer allocation concern? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dealer allocation concern?


February 10, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Novi, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT 4WD
I'm just over 5 weeks from my order date and "I can't wait" is creeping into "did I order from the right dealer?" Am I just being impatient? Or is 6-8 weeks going to be much longer than that? The dealer I ordered from has had exactly 2 Ex's listed on the Metro Detroit Ford website for the past 3 weeks (1 as dealer ordered, which isn't in stock and the other as in stock). Other dealers in the area have some stock (not a lot, but more than 2). I'm sure I could have a shot at getting a build date this week and I own my trade-in free and clear, so I do actually save some money not having to make a payment yet, but still...I'd rather just know that it's going to be 2 months from now rather than to get my hopes up every week (thanks for checking, Seni!). I appreciate having this forum to vent and hear others in the same situation though!

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I'm in Novi as well and ordered 2 wks ago. I was told 6 wks, but I don't see how that is possible judging from the experiences on this board and the fact that my order is still "processing" with no VIN or build date. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt since it has only been 2 weeks, but we need the vehicle for a spring break trip which the salesperson knows about and said we should have it by then no problem. Also, I'm very concerned about the incentives expiring since we would need to take delivery before the expiration dates. I also have a trade in that I'm trying not to drive much since I don't want them to hassle me about the amount they offered if it's been months from the first appraisal. :(

Token, I forgot to ask what dealer did you order from? We ordered from Hines Park Ford in New Hudson. I had talked to several dealers in the area, but they had an EX Limited available for us to test drive and we felt the trade in offer was fair so we went with them. Your 5 week status worries me, you don't have a VIN or build date yet?

Nope. Unscheduled - clean is the status. We ordered from Bill Brown in Livonia. We were almost set on a Edge, but thought we'd check out the Ex, which they the only one that had one in stock at the time. Our salesperson was the only one not trying to push their current stock (sorry, not interested in the Flex...) and the trade-in was right on par with our best offers.

I just ordered mine from Village Ford yesterday. Hines Park had one in stock, according to the Ford website, which was very similar to what I wanted, but was missing a few things. I decided to order one.

Village said also about 6-8 weeks. They have had some come in already which were ordered and had some which have been delayed.

It largely depends your dealer's allocation and the priority code they assign to your order. A "10" is the best they can assign, but if there are orders in front of yours with same priority, they'd get built first. I'd hope your dealer or sales manager would be very forthcoming with you about where you are in his chain. A salesman probably would not know.

I've heard that Retail orders (as opposed to StocK) are collected once a month and scheduled regardless of allocation, but a LOT of folks experiences as documented here don't seem to support that concept at all.

We got a 10, which I can only assume means that everyone gets a 10...or maybe I'm just too negative. LOL. Anyway, I hold back from calling the sales manager as I know I should just be patient. Assuming that last 8 inches of snow we got the other day was the last of the worst of it, I can wait on my EX.

Ours is a priority code 13 according to the DORA, guess that means I'm low man on the totem pole :mad:

Sometimes dealers use 10,11,12, keep the customer's priority in line with order dates (i.e. first order - 10, next 11, etc.).

Not necessarily. Your priority only affects where you are in line for your dealer's allocation. Some dealers rarely use 10's to save for truly high prioity needs. Some dealerships start with 20, so that particular dealerships 20 is really the same priority as my 10.

Not necessarily. Your priority only affects where you are in line for your dealer's allocation. Some dealers rarely use 10's to save for truly high prioity needs. Some dealerships start with 20, so that particular dealerships 20 is really the same priority as my 10.

That's true. The priority is within a dealer's own orders, not crossed to others.

Dang! I have priority 80. That does mean I'll be getting mine after all priority 10's are fulfilled? It's gonna take forever then. LOL.

Ordered January 3, dealer priority code 18, not a peep. Monday will be the 8 week mark. Was told the standard 6-8 weeks from order to delivery, LOL. I should have known...the dealer gave me a good price ($500 under invoice, plus all rebates) and he said "the more I sell the more I get" Translation? (which I didn't know at the time) My allocation sucks, can you help a brother out? I'm so frustrated. If nothing by this weekend, the sales mgr/dealership owner is getting a call or visit.

Hey guys,

I’m sorry that you are currently experiencing delays, I want to assure everyone that the factory’s quality checks on the Explorer are still on track. We want to ensure that your vehicle is as close to perfect as possible before it’s released and sent to you. The easiest way to check your status is still messaging me with your VIN or dealer name and order number! Thanks again for your patience!

Ford Customer Service Division

Hey guys,

I’m sorry that you are currently experiencing delays, I want to assure everyone that the factory’s quality checks on the Explorer are still on track. We want to ensure that your vehicle is as close to perfect as possible before it’s released and sent to you. The easiest way to check your status is still messaging me with your VIN or dealer name and order number! Thanks again for your patience!

Ford Customer Service Division

Any word on the PM I sent you last night Seni?
