Dealer says 2.4 no diff than 2.7? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dealer says 2.4 no diff than 2.7?


Explorer Addict
July 16, 2010
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95 + 11 Ex both XLT
I was told by some technicians at a different Ford dealership down in VA when I came to get the 2.7 update + oil change was that it was practically the same information/ data as the 2.4 and it doesn't fix anything based on all the Explorers/ Edges that they updated. So if you have software that is working fine, do not update. This could be why some of you with 2.7 still experience MFT problems.

The technician also says they are actually awaiting for a real update with new software that actually works to fix these MFT issues. So I guess wait until like a 2.9 update or something.

What he also said was that the reason why Ford is doing these updates at the dealer is because the software updates are so problematic. Errors in downloading the software into the MFT occur a lot, and then they have to start the process all over again. That's why they need a whole day to do it.

To do the updates, he also says they just download the sync data from Ford themselves and upload it onto the MFT using the USB port.

Just being curious here, I'm guessing that means if you have the proper software with a laptop, you can program/ add a few new apps by yourself in a way that iTouch works. Just an idea.

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Thats interesting because my Dealer's SYNC tech mentioned that v2.8 has some bug fixes to deal with the latest issues.

Im not sure your dealer rep fully understands the MFT system because I watched the tech do the latest update from v2.4 to v2.7 and it's not done via the USB port its done through the vehicles On Board Diagnostic Port (OBDII).

This is because it's a complete MFT base image uninstall then reload, not just an update.

The small file updates are the ones they let us do via and our USB port.

This game of chasing the latest update is getting a little ridiculous, no one will tell us what each update will fix so its difficult to decide whether or not we should update.

I have v2.7 and I still have iphone4 connection issues, so I want v2.8 ASAP.

SYNC Development Team; please provide a version release doc that explains the updates just like Apple does every time there is a iOS update.

That's interesting. He says they update the SYNC to 2.7 via the USB method. He didn't talk about 2.8 but he only mentioned 2.7 doesn't fixed anything. Whatever it is, I want a clear answer from Ford too. I want my 911 Assist to operate properly and the video functionality to work as it should.

I was told the same method (download and usb). I can guarantee they do NOT wipe the previous firmware first because they spent 4-hours trying to get my update to 2.7 to "take" but it kept shutting down about 30-minutes in and I had to get the car back. MFT still runs on 2.4.

2.7 is different than 2.4 I've had both on my X. My phone was giving me fits on 2.4 and is working well on 2.7 . 2.7 has memory for which screen you left it on upon initial startup, 2.4 didn't. 2.7 also has a bug that 2.4 didn't. It doesn't upload backgrounds as well and the images have to be a little smaller. It is a dealer install and is not through a memory stick. It is done through a USB connection, but to the back of the unit, not through the port in the dash.

That's because they re-instaled v2.4 image back in your vehicle.

Go to "Manage SYNC" then "Account Settings"

Then "View my SYNC History"

Read the information that explains

CU = Confirmed uninstall

CI = Confirmed install

See below this is from my SYNCMYRIDE page:

This page lists the current status of SYNC applications and updates for the featured vehicle. Click here for more information about this table and the status abbreviations.

BT4T-14D544-BH Gen2 - V2.7 My Ford Touch Base Software CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BH Gen2 - V2.7 My Ford Touch Base Software CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BH Gen2 - V2.7 My Ford Touch Base Software CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CU 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BH Gen2 - V2.7 My Ford Touch Base Software CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 4/4/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/26/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/25/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/23/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/23/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/23/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/23/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/23/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/23/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 2/9/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 1/20/2011
BT4T-14D544-BE Gen2 - V2.4 SYNC GEN 2 IMAGE CI 1/20/2011

2.7 is different than 2.4 I've had both on my X. My phone was giving me fits on 2.4 and is working well on 2.7 . 2.7 has memory for which screen you left it on upon initial startup, 2.4 didn't. 2.7 also has a bug that 2.4 didn't. It doesn't upload backgrounds as well and the images have to be a little smaller. It is a dealer install and is not through a memory stick. It is done through a USB connection, but to the back of the unit, not through the port in the dash.

Your v2.7 has screen memory on vehicle startup? I just got updated to v2.8 and it reverts back to the home screen upon every start.

It remembers which of the 3 major homescreens I was on. Not an individual screen.

Totally agree with previous poster, Ford should supply an enhancement/bug list for each version - standard operating procedure, a tleast you would think for a company like Ford?

Sync concerns

Hey all,

Sorry for the frustration in regards to SYNC updates. I appreciate your interest in this topic and want to help out where I can. Since there are now various SYNC version updates, and since each of your situations may be somewhat unique or different, I would suggest that you contact our SYNC Support team to help you determine your best next steps.

SYNC Software Version 2.8 was released this week as a dealer-installed update for the 2011 Explorer, Edge, and Lincoln MKX. The SYNC Support team can review and troubleshoot your current concern(s), and if necessary help to facilitate the dealership conversation in obtaining the SYNC update.

The SYNC Support number is 800-392-3673 (option 3), and if you have any specific questions for me feel free to reach out to me via a private message. Hope this helps!


Hey all,

Sorry for the frustration in regards to SYNC updates. I appreciate your interest in this topic and want to help out where I can. Since there are now various SYNC version updates, and since each of your situations may be somewhat unique or different, I would suggest that you contact our SYNC Support team to help you determine your best next steps.

SYNC Software Version 2.8 was released this week as a dealer-installed update for the 2011 Explorer, Edge, and Lincoln MKX. The SYNC Support team can review and troubleshoot your current concern(s), and if necessary help to facilitate the dealership conversation in obtaining the SYNC update.

The SYNC Support number is 800-392-3673 (option 3), and if you have any specific questions for me feel free to reach out to me via a private message. Hope this helps!


You seem to be ignoring the main request here Seni. What everyone wants is a list of changes in the different versions. Why can't this be obtained?

lol, looks like you gotta little happy running the status checker tool ;)

Thats whats confusing, I only loaded it one time via USB. Then came in and did the confirmation send to SYNC.

SYNC history is showing installs on days I wasn't in the same country as my vehicle was.....Weird.

Hey all,

Sorry for the frustration in regards to SYNC updates. I appreciate your interest in this topic and want to help out where I can. Since there are now various SYNC version updates, and since each of your situations may be somewhat unique or different, I would suggest that you contact our SYNC Support team to help you determine your best next steps.

SYNC Software Version 2.8 was released this week as a dealer-installed update for the 2011 Explorer, Edge, and Lincoln MKX. The SYNC Support team can review and troubleshoot your current concern(s), and if necessary help to facilitate the dealership conversation in obtaining the SYNC update.

The SYNC Support number is 800-392-3673 (option 3), and if you have any specific questions for me feel free to reach out to me via a private message. Hope this helps!


I'm headed back tomorrow to the local Ford dealer for a second try to get updated from 2.4. I scheduled it after my Nav froze up for the third time this week and I had to pull over and let gawkers wonder what the hell I was doing all twisted around with my arm up under the dash.

I'll let everyone know the results...
