Dealership is charging me $180 bucks to install optional Equipment on my new Ex!!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dealership is charging me $180 bucks to install optional Equipment on my new Ex!!!

Back when I was looking at new cars, years and years ago, I remembered a story a friend told me... he went to pick up a new mustang, absolutely loved it, perfect color, the right accessories, they settled on a price, signed all the paperwork, all was good... he goes otu to the area where they deliver the vehicles, and they had slapped one of the dealership "badges" on it, despite the fact he had specifically said he didn't want it on there. He otld them to take it off, they said they couldn't, they had drilled holes for it, etc. He told them to f--- off, gave them back their paperwork, and walked out. Needless to say within a few hours, they told him they could get him in the same type of car they could secure elsewhere, without the badge, and offered him a discount of... I don't recall how much to have him take delivery, he refused, and bought a similiar vehicle from another dealership... sometimes you just have to be able to tell them off, if they want the money they'll work for it... unfortunately in a custom order situation that would likely be more challenging, but nonetheless...
And I agree with those that have said they wouldn't pay the install... to me if I went down the list of options (which I have, I've custom ordered a truck before) and they were all specified as factory options, I'd be pissed to end up having to pay an install fee for any of it. If it were something aftermarket and not included, like say, a lund bug deflector or something, that the dealership might sell but doesn't come with the truck, then I'd absolutely agree a labor charge would be reasonable.

I bought my first vehicle at the dealership in over 12 years recently, my 2010 escape, and only bought from the dealership because I couldn't find a new enough, yet used, escape, anywhere else... and it reaffirmed my suspicion that dealership salespeople are all lying, backstabbing crooks who will do anything to make a sale. They all use the same cliches, "it's easier to replace a car than to replace a customer, we'll do whatever we can to get you into the vehicle", "we have some crazy quotas to meet, I've seen some prices lately you wouldn't believe", or "this type of deal won't be good forever, I can only make it to you right now". I absolutely hate them and if there was any other reasonable alternative, I'd take it... which is why I've only bought two vehicles from dealerships ever and the other 6 or 7 vehicles I"ve owned have all been from private sellers.

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Well, just got an e-mail from the dealer and it looks like some of you were right about this. The dealership is NOT supposed to charge extra for installation of the headrest DVD's if its ordered from the factory!!! It turns out that the price of $1,995 includes reimbursement to the dealership from Ford for the cost of install. So if you’re in this situation and the dealer tries to charge you, challenge it! If I wouldn't have spoke up I would have been paying an extra $180!


Nice work. Now that you posted what they charged you I can agree with you on this one. Just didn't know originally if you were paying the price posted on Ford's website or not.

I guess I was just shocked since they didn't let me know about the charge until the 11th hour, no mention of it at all until I go to sign the papers then its " Oh, by the way, you also owe us $180 for the DVD install" Very unprofessional if you ask me.
OK - so that would cause me to stop.

If this was not spelled out on the sales order, and they did not tell you about it in advance of doing the work - then at least in Ohio, you likely would not owe them any $$. Ohio law says for work in excess of $25 you have to be given the option of a written/oral/or no estimate.

I would be asking for my $180 back.

No charge for mine.

I ordered my DVD with the vehicle. DVd came in after I
picked up the vehicle. Dealer called me and installed them. It took about two hours. No charge foe me.

sell my car for cash
Are you the type who takes your car to the dealership for routine care and maintenance? Do you prefer to do everything yourself, from oil changes to brake jobs? Maybe you fall somewhere in the middle and use an independent local mechanic or a franchise like those specializing in tires or transmissions? Whatever your choice, you likely have a very strong opinion why it’s best.

why not try to sell it on your own?

And what are you talking about?
