Deaver leaf springs + soa | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Deaver leaf springs + soa


Explorer Addict
June 17, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Palmyra, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 explorer xlt
my stock leafs are dead! i want to upgrade to the deaver leaf springs, those give a 3" lift right? but see i have the SOA, plus the deaver leafs for 7.5"-8" of lift,

but has anyone ran deaver leaf springs s.o.a?

how much do they run?(i dont recall seeing a explorer option on there site)

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Deaver will custom make a spring pack for you based on the ride and ride height you want.
The spring over axle will give you about 3-4" of lift (or the height of the 8.8 axle tube and spring perches you weld on)
So if you want more lift then that then talk to Deaver, national, or one of many leaf/coil spring builders.
Your shackle hanger and location will also play a large roll in ride height and ride.

A spring over axle is not for everyone, remember you have to match the lift up front. the spring under rides alot better for an SUV and alot of high speed desert type trucks prefer the spring under setup, it greatly reduces axle wrap up and other ride characteristics that would be considered more "truck like"

IMO your best bet is to call Deaver directly, they are very knowlegable about this stuff and will build you whatever you want.

whats the average price?

price will vary depending on how much lift and travel you want, somewhere around $600 would be a ballpark (the 2.5" lift non long travel ranger springs run for $580)

ya i'd agree $600 ballpark just for the springs...but you have to remember like 410 said it's all custom built through deaver, they match the spring characteristics to your specific application and driving needs....the pack i have is around 4.5" but i'm pretty sure they will make it as little as 1.5"....hope that helps
