Decide the fate of the front end... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Decide the fate of the front end...

I likes the ranger front end. If it is a easy enough conversion to put the newer ranger front on I would do it, but I don't know how different the mounting for the fronts are.

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Critical_Level2 said:
I likes the ranger front end. If it is a easy enough conversion to put the newer ranger front on I would do it, but I don't know how different the mounting for the fronts are.

And if you take notice, there is a grove towards the top of the fender that Explorers do not have. Nor do they have the indentation that Explorers have towards the bottom.

Thanks to James (jdbowl).. just had to get it, and be done with it. Some pictures before I get it painted in a few weeks, going to the beach with girlfriend for a bit, not sure how long we're staying. =\

Pictures off of camera phone.




Other than EE is there an air dam for the 2000 Sport cover ?
( See photo prior page )
I have done some searching but no good results.

Other than an EE airdam, I have found nothing, even the HC airdam that Hartman had was only produced for 95-98 explorers. Can't find anything, sorry.
