DFS Alarm Installation.......Pioneer DEH-P3000 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DFS Alarm Installation.......Pioneer DEH-P3000


Active Member
March 29, 1999
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Home: Woodruff, SC College: Clemson, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT 2WD
I just bought a new Pioneer DEH-P3000 CD Player/Changer w/ the new alarm built in. I don't know if you guys have heard of it. I am hopping somebody here has installed one. I need to hook the door sensor wire to my dome light but I'm having a little trouble finding the wires. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Green '92 Explorer 4x2

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Jaytee its a ***** to install i havea pioneer premier 300 with the DFS alarm i found the wires with help from the scamatic but did 't want to **** the dome lights up so i did't even connect it just hooked all the wires up except that one and it works fine, i just dont have the alarm

Remove the driver side kick panel. Peel the carpet back and you will expose a large bundle of wires on the floor or if you look at the wall next to the emergency brake pedal you should a rubber box that fills in a hole. The wire your looking for run from the pin switch mounted in the door frame, down thru the fender and down to a channel in the floor. Not all that difficult to find and only takes a screw driver to access.

Just my 2 cents. The wire you need is easiest to access in the canal that runs through the floor under the drivers door. The wire you need is Black with a light blue stripe. There may be more than one, but any one will work. Also, using a special crimp connector will make the job much easier. You can get crimp connectors at Wal-Mart.


Stock 94 XLT
PIAA Superwhites.
Vampire Alarm.
Jensen Head w stock Premium sound.
Radio Schack CB with magnetic mount antenna.
Uniden Scanner.

in my experience with these dfs alarms, is that they are useless. its just a cool feature that they like to add to the advertisement. All it does is send noise through the speakers when a door is opened. There are no motion sensors or shock. and if you plan to install a real alarm later on the dfs feature wont even matter you eill never use it again. plus its a pain in the ass, and not worth the time in my opinion. most people want to hook it up because of the simple fact of that its there.

94 explorer 4x4 (pre-runner)v-6
