Diamond cut pics? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Diamond cut pics?


I searched, but couldn't find any good pics of the diamondcut headlights AND diamond cut clear corners installed... pics with a billet grille would be nice also....


why wont 98-01 taillights fit 95-97's?


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  • star1.jpg
    65.3 KB · Views: 265

looks great.... think ill pick up a set...

Im going to go all white bulbs (illegal, but i don't care)

what "HID" style bulbs should i pick up? price?

btw.... i saw the diamond cut corners + headlights on ebay for like $180 for the set (2) headlights, and (2) corner pieces.... are they the same quality, good price? or should i buy from a retailer (i dont know any that sell them)

They are all made by the same company.

Zero Cylinder said:

why wont 98-01 taillights fit 95-97's?


There is actually a thread around here with pictures when someone put 98+ lights in a 95-97 and vice versa. However, I can't seem to find it despite searching for a half hour. :mad: It demostrated perfectly why they won't fit. Bascially, the 98+ ones put on a 95-97 stick out too far because they are more rounded or curved - they stick out past the tailgate and aren't level with it. It just looks bad. You'd need to do a tailgate conversion for it to work, which isn't worth it, IMO. If someone can find that thread, that'd be really helpful in demonstating what I'm trying to convey.

Probably not what you are looking for...but similar.

