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Digital Dash


December 27, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Nanaimo Vancouver island BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1990 Aerostar EddyBour
When I first got my 90 Eddi I couldn't see my dash but everything works. The other day I tapped the dash and the light came on. I'm very happy this happend but why do you think this is happening.


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It might be a bad connection on the dimmer or the plug on the back of the dashboard.

Will it dosen't sound like anything really bad. The dimmer does not work so I guess I should maybe start there.


The dimmer controls the radio illumination as well as the dashboard illumination. I've had trouble with the dimmer causing the dashboard, and radio illumination to disappear, then suddenly reappear on my 89 with digital dash.

The dimmer controls the radio illumination as well as the dashboard illumination. I've had trouble with the dimmer causing the dashboard, and radio illumination to disappear, then suddenly reappear on my 89 with digital dash.

I had this problem with the dimmer on my 96 (yours may be similar). The part is like $150 new. I took it apart and re soldered the transistors to the board. Dimmers for LED devices work with PWM as opposed to a variable resistor. The dimmer may have a rheostat but has two outputs for lights and LED devices. Transistors control a duty cycle (PWM) and simulate voltage changes. I needed a tiny torx bit to take mine apart.

The dimmer is not electronic on this model. It's just a plain rheostat/potentiometer.

I guess I could use the dimmer from the other 90 Aerostar with no digital dash? The 92 is not the same, Oh yea no radio illumination Should the interior light also come on using the highest point on the dimmer?:


Yes, the clock, and radio illumination are controlled by the dimmer. The analog, and digital versions use the same dimmer. The 92 has a different design which has the dimmer as part of the pull out headlight switch.

Hello, I finally got to my dimmer as I was taking it off it fell to the floor. The switch wasn't even hooked up I found the plug off to one side with electrical tape on it. So that is the problem however the switch looks ok. I did see that the plug has that small type of clip broken off where it clicks on the top of the switch. I don't know if the previous owner left it like that because of the high price, Napa $74 WOW.

Thanks, Whitelion

You could test the dimmer with an ohmmeter while it's outside of the vehicle. Kent or Joe might be able to get you another dimmer switch if you need one if you post what you need in the sticky for parts requests.

You could test the dimmer with an ohmmeter while it's outside of the vehicle. Kent or Joe might be able to get you another dimmer switch if you need one if you post what you need in the sticky for parts requests.

OK sounds good...


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