Dimming Mirror | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dimming Mirror


Well-Known Member
December 29, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 XLT
Well I just done my first mod to my 2005 X I just purchased. I replaced the basic rearview mirror with a dimming unit. I will give the basics to the mod for others in the future. (I am not going to give wire color codes due to possible changes in models)
1) when you purchase it make sure it has plenty of of pig tail for splicing (mine was short and it was a pain in the rump)

2) removed overhead console

3) remove left windshield post cover

4)there are 3 wires a ground, a positive and the reverse cut out sense. the ground and the positive can be picked up right in the overhead from the map light. For the reverse sense you have to run a wire to the left window piller. There is a plug mounted there. The wiring for all optins are at that plug but the harness from there to the overhead does not. Find the needed wire and splice in. (hint; usually the color code on the mirror wire harness matches the needed wires fir splicing)

5) reinstall in reverse order.

I hope this helps someone in the future.

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The future is now :) Is the mirror universal? What's the approx cost? Thanks! Is it from Ford?

The X's come with the option so the wiring shoud always be there. I paid $20 plus shipping from EBAY for a factory 2005 unit. There are universals out there but I have a compass system that mounts to the base of the mirror and it will not attach to to them. I can not stresws enough to make sure there is as much pigtail on the harness as you can get. It will make the install easy.

Thanks! I was hoping it would fit on the 01.

01 should of had an option for it. My 01 Expedition has one. Yopu can always install a universal one as long as nothing else is attached to the OEM unit.

We added one...

i want one now

01 should of had an option for it. My 01 Expedition has one. Yopu can always install a universal one as long as nothing else is attached to the OEM unit.

The Scion had a plain mirror, but we added a dimming mirror with a bunch of features. I'm thinking this could happen for the 01. Do you have any pics? I'll pop up the three we have...:)

That's the same one, I think...

Scion - notice the light under the mirror?

I love the self dimming mirror in my mounty.

As far as the 01, they didnt have self dimming mirrors in 01. The auto dimming started in 02 iirc.

I need to add one to the 01, because I don't need to know the temp outside (03) but I would like the Scion mirror - it's that light and the garage door features.

I need to add one to the 01, because I don't need to know the temp outside (03) but I would like the Scion mirror - it's that light and the garage door features.

the 03 has a temp readout? My 03 mounty just has the temp readout on the Auto Climate control

It's that temp readout in the gage cluster area in the 03; the 01 has it in the overhead. I don't need to know if it's 90 degrees :) Unless, it had a setting where the ac or heat came on at a specific setting - that would be nice. But no, just digits.

It's that temp readout in the gage cluster area in the 03; the 01 has it in the overhead. I don't need to know if it's 90 degrees :) Unless, it had a setting where the ac or heat came on at a specific setting - that would be nice. But no, just digits.

Oh ok, that's what I thought. GM has the Temp readout and Compass in the mirror, which annoys me because i dont like the idea of some dumb readout taking up space in my mirror.
