Help with reverse camera wiring | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with reverse camera wiring


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February 4, 2017
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03 Explorer. V8
Whats up everybody? I want to install a backup camera in my 03 Explorer, but I can't find anything on the colors of the reverse lights power and ground. I have one of those rear view mirrors with the 4.3 inch screen in it so I also need to find the correct wires in the front of the car to get power to the mirror. Anybody know the colors of the reverse light wires? And does anybody know location of the power/ground wires that I need to use in the front of the truck? Can I splice into the aftermarket head unit power and ground on the wire harness to get power to the mirror?

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I'll check and see if I have any photos of my install, but I did use an LED test light, the kind that shows polarity.

I believe you would be OK tapping in like you described, but for all the taps go ahead and strip in with your knife and do a proper solder job, those quick taps are unreliable and just generally sketchy.

EDIT: My photos would be of no use, different years, different electrical systems.

I'll check and see if I have any photos of my install, but I did use an LED test light, the kind that shows polarity.

I believe you would be OK tapping in like you described, but for all the taps go ahead and strip in with your knife and do a proper solder job, those quick taps are unreliable and just generally sketchy.

EDIT: My photos would be of no use, different years, different electrical systems.
Thank you for your help. I think I may try tapping with t-splices, but I do have a question for you. I found out that the auto-dimming rear view mirror has a reverse sense wire, but I'm confused on whether that wire supplies power or not. Do you know if the reverse sense wire supplies power when in reverse, meaning that I could connect the power of the monitor to that wire? I know there's a 12v that's on only in run/start and a constant hot, just not sure if the reverse sense wire actually provides power.

B86, have you pulled the overhead console down? Sometimes you can find an unused plug up there, on the right side. YMMV

Any particular reason you're replacing the mirror rather than upgrading the stereo headunit to one that supports video?

Anyway, my camera is connected to my headunit so pretty straight forward on that end, now the other end is another story. Running the wire from the body to the rear hatch though a boot then though and around the rear hatch was hell. I was too tired after all that to wire the cam to the reverse lights for power so instead I wired it to the license plate light for power so I do have to turn the parking lights on for my camera to work, the nice thing about that is I can turn the camera on while moving forwards which is great for keeping an eye on a trailer I'm pulling.
