Disable parking brake? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Disable parking brake?


New Member
December 26, 2018
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Humptulips, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
explorer sport
Had my wheel hub and bearings changed by a friend. The parking brake seems to be slightly engaged can I disable it temporarily? And easily? I have an apt an 1 and a half away and don't want to waste the gas from the parking brake being slightly engaged. (Really can't miss this apt!) Any help on fixing this quickly and or temporarily greatly appreciated! (02 explorer sport 4wd)

Should be rubber caps on the back of the wheels to turn the star adjusters for the brake shoe pressure. Stubby flat blade screwdriver works well. Release the parking brake and turn the star adjusters until tight against the drum. Loosen 3-4 "clicks" and repeat the other side. Test for dragging and adjust each wheel as needed.

Should be rubber caps on the back of the wheels to turn the star adjusters for the brake shoe pressure. Stubby flat blade screwdriver works well. Release the parking brake and turn the star adjusters until tight against the drum. Loosen 3-4 "clicks" and repeat the other side. Test for dragging and adjust each wheel as needed.
Thanks will do
