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Disabling 2017 Explorer to prevent theft


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August 20, 2009
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2017 Ford Explorer 4 wd
I live in a part of Baja Mexico, where cars get taken. I had a '98 F 350 stolen last year. and an attempt to take my high top Ford van a few weeks ago. I wish to disable my 2017 ford explorer but don't want to mess up the computer system etc. (by the way i have installed kill switches on all, it may have saved the van, but not the F350) i wondered if pulling fuse #29 Run/start relay would do the trick? thnks

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Unless the bad guys have a pre-programmed key, they're not going to be able to start the engine of the Explorer or steal it except by towing it. If they want it that bad, they'll get it.

The 98 F350 was probably an easy steal. It didn't have any anti-theft system from the factory.

To prevent towing theft, you need to park with the vehicle blocked in or chain it to a structure (through the frame, not just a wheel). That said, it will only slow down a determined thief, but usually the goal is to make the other vehicles look easier to grab compared to yours.

Military runs a chain and padlock from the floor to around the wheel

Replacing a working with a non working fuse for the fuel pump and/or starter

I live in a part of Baja Mexico, where cars get taken. I had a '98 F 350 stolen last year. and an attempt to take my high top Ford van a few weeks ago. I wish to disable my 2017 ford explorer but don't want to mess up the computer system etc. (by the way i have installed kill switches on all, it may have saved the van, but not the F350) i wondered if pulling fuse #29 Run/start relay would do the trick? thnks
You could pull that fuse and see what happens if you try to start it.
BTW, I have sent you 3 private messages now re your profile.


Where is the fuel pump line to do that and what is the color code for it?

I don't know specifically each model but on the 2013 Sport the low pressure fuel pump (LPFP) is located around the passenger side rear seat so I imagine there is wiring harness in that area that could be tapped into.

The modern car thief is basically a hacker. I saw on the Dodge models they are able to pop out a headlight and tap into the wiring harness which is always connected to the CANBUS network so they can basically send any commands to unlock, start the car etc...

Luckily the Explorer is not a highly targeted vehicle to steal. There are much easier targets out there (hello Kia).

Unless the bad guys have a pre-programmed key, they're not going to be able to start the engine of the Explorer or steal it except by towing it. If they want it that bad, they'll get it.

The 98 F350 was probably an easy steal. It didn't have any anti-theft system from the factory.
Could be a fleet vehicle and not have that feature
I don't know specifically each model but on the 2013 Sport the low pressure fuel pump (LPFP) is located around the passenger side rear seat so I imagine there is wiring harness in that area that could be tapped into.

The modern car thief is basically a hacker. I saw on the Dodge models they are able to pop out a headlight and tap into the wiring harness which is always connected to the CANBUS network so they can basically send any commands to unlock, start the car etc...

Luckily the Explorer is not a highly targeted vehicle to steal. There are much easier targets out there (hello Kia).

Your average car theif is a crack head

The “hacker” “gone in 60 seconds” types are like 2%, rest are low level smooth brains, MAYBE someone who has/stole a tow truck

Could be a fleet vehicle and not have that feature

Your average car theif is a crack head

The “hacker” “gone in 60 seconds” types are like 2%, rest are low level smooth brains, MAYBE someone who has/stole a tow truck
But the weed smoker would be after the Roach Coach or ice cream truck. LOL

I don't know specifically each model but on the 2013 Sport the low pressure fuel pump (LPFP) is located around the passenger side rear seat so I imagine there is wiring harness in that area that could be tapped into.


Unless the bad guys have a pre-programmed key, they're not going to be able to start the engine of the Explorer or steal it except by towing it. If they want it that bad, they'll get it.

The 98 F350 was probably an easy steal. It didn't have any anti-theft system from the factory.
well i purchased it from a Mexican guy who had only one key and no remotes.I have read where sometimes a theif will later show up with the spare and drive off? My question is whether i can simply remove the relay #29 in the fuse box? as extra precaution


well i purchased it from a Mexican guy who had only one key and no remotes.I have read where sometimes a theif will later show up with the spare and drive off? My question is whether i can simply remove the relay #29 in the fuse box? as extra precaution
As I mentioned before. give it a try and see. I'm guessing that you don't have a garage.


Isn't there a wire that can be 'cut' and a switch installed to 'reconnect' that wire?
You would have to put that in a sneaky place so that it can't be found.
When I went to DeVry I made a cut off switch for my VW Bug that was a magnetic switch. The switch was under the dash; the activating magnet was inside of a pen. When I placed the pen by the speedometer the switch would activate.
Personally, I would love to have a carjack switch so if the vehicle ever gets carjacked it would drive for 1-2 minutes then shuts down.
This gets the perp away from the driver &/or occupants for several hundred yards and he would have to leave the car.

The average car theft today takes less than 5 minutes. New cars are victim of technology. The Kia/Hyundai models can be started with any USB cable. They smash the window, rip the column cover off and their gone... There are plenty of illegal devices selling on Amazon that let you tap into key fobs and CANBUS networks. If it takes them longer than 5 minutes they move onto the next car. It literally is like gone in 60 seconds 😂

Find the wiring to the solenoid that unlocks the shifter when the brake pedal is depressed.
If you interrupt that circuit the car can be left running, with the key/keyfob inside, and not driven away.

I did this to my wife's grandmother's Fusion so that the senile grandfather would not drive it.
I made a circuit where you had to press the brake and a momentary switch at the same time to get it to shift out of park 👍

Find the wiring to the solenoid that unlocks the shifter when the brake pedal is depressed.
If you interrupt that circuit the car can be left running, with the key/keyfob inside, and not driven away.

I did this to my wife's grandmother's Fusion so that the senile grandfather would not drive it.
I made a circuit where you had to press the brake and a momentary switch at the same time to get it to shift out of park 👍
The brake shift interlock feature will allow the vehicle to be put in neutral without the engine running.


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Sure, if they use the method to pop it out for purpose of towing. But someone willing to do that will just use a tow truck and wheel dolly and grab and take what they want if they are willing to go to that extreme. Even people chaining the wheel.

But many thefts are someone leaving the engine running as they get out a second, or someone getting access to the keys or codes etc.
Society is turning to sh-- and thugs lie in wait at gas stations etc to ambush a driver and steal their car and their personal belongings.
Big shock for them when they can't even get it out of park. And popping it out of gear into neutral doesn't help them steal the car when they need to drive it away.
By then I catch up and it's lights out.
