Do all explorers have amps seperate from head unit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do all explorers have amps seperate from head unit?


October 13, 1999
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Do all explorers have an amp seperate from the head unit? Or is that just the premium sound models?

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Only premium sound systems have the seperate amplifier. On explorers it is located behind the right rear quarter panel.

I thought all Explorers had the separate amp, but the premium had the extra amp for the stock sub. Is the base model the one with no roof rack and no rear wiper?

Yes all explorers do have seperate amps. One if you dont have a sub and two if you have a sub... I have bypassed those amp so many times... Have and chaged head units in about 5 different Explorers and all have seperate amps...

Kris Guilbeaux

how hard is it to get to the amp? do I have to take off the whole right rear panel in the cargo area? How do I do that?

Yes, you have to take off the whole rear panel. It isn't that difficult, but the push pins that hold the siding on are hard to get off without breaking. You might have to by replacements. If you want to upgrade the system, most people choose to bipass the stock amps because of lack of power.
