do any transfer cases have 2wd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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do any transfer cases have 2wd

blair truckin

New Member
January 25, 2016
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Croghan, ny
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2001 ford ranger 4x4
I was wondering if any of the 95 to 01 explorers with the 5.0 liter v8 have a transfer case that will shift from 2wd to 4wd hi or 4wd low like the ford ranger transfer case. My 2000 explorer has the awd transfer case. I dont know what model number it is.

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I believe the AWD V8 were either AWD, or RWD. NO 4X4 option. Lots of information about doing the transfer case swap on this site if you wanted to do that. You need to round up some parts and do some customizing. But everyone that does it loves it.

Yup im gonna put the bw4406 out of a f150. Im getting a whole truck. The transfer case has the lever which i like better than that electronic actuator that my ranger had. Right now i got the whole motor, trans, and awd tcase in my ranger and i hate this awd. I have the advanced adapter that hooks the the ranger 1354 tcase to the explorer 4r70w trans. I picked it up used but wasnt aware that i had to take the trans apart completely to change the output shaft. I was thinking it was a shaft that went on the existing shaft to just convert it to the correct spline. Thats how its wordedon the advanced adapter site. But oh well. I might try selling it but ill probably just keep it.

Good deal thanks. Do you know anyone that knows anything about that advance adaptor kit i got?
