1997 Ford Explore v8 5.o transfer case number | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 Ford Explore v8 5.o transfer case number


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February 24, 2015
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1997 ford explorer 5.0
I have a 1997 Ford Explorer v8 5.0 AWD, and its in need of a new transfer case.
The problem is that I don't know the number for the part. Or if I can use a ranger transfer case or does it have to be the same year and model type explorer to get the part from.

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You need a 4404 transfer case only found in v8 explorers.

Go look on the driver side of the rear output of the transfer case on your truck and look for a sensor with wiring plugged into it. Does your transfer case have this wired sensor?

Need to know this before anything else.

yes it does thank you. Another thing is when I call to find the part, they ask if its a part time or full, and if its something number of bolts or 6 bolts.
Sorry Im not very mechanically incline.
Thanks again for the response!

you need a 1997 V8 Explorer B&W 4404 full time (AWD) 6 bolt transfer case. Other years will not work, as yours has the speed sensor inside.
98-up transfer cases have no speed sensor.
V8 transfer cases are all "full time" AWD . They should now this.

Great! Thanks for all the help, I appreciated it!!
