does anyone have a current RockAuto discount code they can post? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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does anyone have a current RockAuto discount code they can post?


Elite Explorer
October 28, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT v8

My most recent code expired about a week ago and I have a pretty big order to put in. Does anyone have a code they can post?

I tried a few from coupon code sites but none of they worked. That has never happened to me before.


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234008202210070914 confirmed working, Exp. July 7th

Found it on reddit: r/RockAuto

They have several more listed as well, but all the standard 5%, nothing higher.


late to the party but I pretty much always have one since I usually order like 2-3 times a month


late to the party but I pretty much always have one since I usually order like 2-3 times a month
Thanks, I will definitely keep that in mind. I often have one but it never seems I do when I need to order.


Reddit works great because when people get codes, they post them there. Unlimited use after all...


Same question again. I can't seem to get my orders lined up to use one of my own codes.

If someone has one I would appreciate it, again.



Good through sept 1

They should be sending me a new one soon as I just ordered a ton more crap

They should be sending me a new one soon as I just ordered a ton more crap
Yes, I should also be getting a new one, but I never seem to have my act together to use it before it expires.


There is not a rockauto order that goes from this house without a 5% discount! Hahaha o order parts for many people/vehicles always have a code always have rockauto coming


My most recent code expired about a week ago and I have a pretty big order to put in. Does anyone have a code they can post?

I tried a few from coupon code sites but none of they worked. That has never happened to me before.

My code just received:
Code: 245697243220052727
Good till November 3, 2023, 12:00 Midnight CT
