Does anyone know where I can get a Cold air intake for my 06 V8? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does anyone know where I can get a Cold air intake for my 06 V8?

xplojay said:
How about the Tornado? Any thoughts/opinions on that?

Snake oil. Try the search engine on this site. Good luck finding anything resembling good press on that POS. :thumbdwn:

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xplojay said:
How about the Tornado? Any thoughts/opinions on that?

Don't say that too loudly or else you will be flogged... :D

bump for new info ??? ;) ;)

hahahaha, like grounding your exhaust? my real opinion is that if it goes in the airpath,then it blocks it. if you just do a cold air intake, exhaust, and get a chip so your computer enhances these changes, your as good as your gonna get without other mods. Oh, back to the thread topic, im sure you can use other models of a cold air intake, and do a custom thing on your own. all you need to know is that the filter needs to go to an area that is away from the engine, and you should build a shield around that area so it helps keep out the engine temp air.

parts needed:

2.5"-3" tubing
some sort of adapter for the conical air filter
air filter

you dont have to rely on the k&n part numbers, just go in the store knowing that you have a 3" tube, so pick the air filter that clamps to a 3" tube.

There are many options of tubing, remember you want lightweight. I did one that had my intake down by the radiator, but it was too heavy. Also look at some mustang kits, they might get you the parts you need, then you have to fab up the brackets.


here is mine, all i did was get an adapter, redrill the holes to fit, and attach an air filter. i know yours is a bit different but the concept is the same.

hope this helped at all,


Nice clean engine bay there Chris. :D

they already have one. check the k&n website has short ram and cold air intakes for the 06 V8 and p.s. i have bought several things from this website includind my intake for my 06 and their shipping is fair and service is great. In fact they have a 24 hour online tech support YEA!!:D:D

How about the Tornado? Any thoughts/opinions on that?

DON'T BUY IT the tornado is rated by several different websites including, and, they say it doesn't work
