does anyone know year changes in 5.0 motors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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does anyone know year changes in 5.0 motors


November 10, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
enfield, ct.
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 xlt
I have a 98 explorer 5.0 with no motor. will a 99 mountaineer 5.0 go in with no modifications. like an exact fit or what do I have to do to make it work. also is $850.00 a good price for a motor with 40,000 mi. thanks again Den

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Depends on what you consider to be the motor. block, heads, cams, and intake are mostly the same. A few sensors (cam position sensor, egr) adn the fuel rails are different.

I am talking a complete motor. thanks

The fuel lines are different since the 5.0s went to a returnless fuel system in 1999. I believe you would have to swap computers, fuel lines, and possibly the fuel pump/tank.

thanks for the replys, maybe I should look for a 98 motor, but I can't seem to find one with less than 100k, unless I get a reman but were talk a lot of money there.

thanks for the replys

thanx for the reply, but maybe I should keep looking for a 98 motor. funny thing there's not too many out there and when I find one they all have hi milege over 100k. I could get a reman motor but big dollars.
