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Door panel removal


New Member
August 3, 2008
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City, State
Corner Brook, Newfoundland
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Explorer
My auto door locks will not lock driver's door. Removed two screws from bottom of door panel of my '03 Explorer. Panel will not come off. What to do next?

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This thread can give you an idea: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146049&highlight=door+panel

If you search there is also a thread floating around that has pictures on how to do it, I know because I used it a few weeks ago to fix a loose speaker wire on my Eddie Bauer. The thing to be careful of is when removing the panel by the door handle, as you don't want to bend the panel too much or break it. Good luck.


should be a third screw next to the handle, then it lift up and they away from the door.

Thank you squirrelmaster, I will try that tomorrow. I will post results.

The third screw (same drive as the other two) is beind the door opener handle. To gain access to it you ahve to (gently) pry up the plastic housing holding the window switches/door locks, then pry out the door handle bezel. You'll see the third fastener in the white plastic stand-off bracket.

On the other hand, you may be able to solve your problem by just taking off the plastic housing holding the window switches. Once off, you can unplug the wiring connector and remove the switch. Once off, you can rebuild the switch (I did), or just replace it.

i love this site, i came here wondering the same thing and what do ya know, topic posted right here!

i love this site, i came here wondering the same thing and what do ya know, topic posted right here!

This site has saved my butt (and my money) many, many times. There are not that many that post on here, but if you are patient and use the search function, you can find the answer to almost any Explorer question.

Many that post here know these trucks inside and out and many repair them for a living.

ive been lurking for while and i've noticed someone will at least try to help you out no matter what your question is.

ive been lurking for while and i've noticed someone will at least try to help you out no matter what your question is.


Some times you have to be patient until the right guy comes along and sees your question. Or use the search function.

I get a kick out of the type that asks a question and then takes it personally and blows up on line when they don't get an immediate answer.


I took the door panel off in 5 minutes. I picked at the buttons and wiring to the auto door locks. Now everything works again. I don't know what I did to fix it, but apparently it's fixed. If you guys didn't help me to learn the correct order of removing the different parts of the door panel I wouldn't have suceeded. Thanks to you all. You guys are great! This site is great!

