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Door weatherstripping replacement

The howling sound of wind and road noise leaking past tattered old weatherstripping finally drove me to remedy the situation. The front passenger door of my ’99 has been leaking air like a window screen in a hurricane and the resulting noise required attention, immediate attention.

The front passenger door weatherstripping had seen better days. I obtained the door weather stripping ( part number F1TZ7820708C
) from my local Ford dealer for $41.00.

The first step was removal of the old weatherstripping. This was accomplished by first loosening the plastic trim components ( no need to remove ) and then simply pulling the old weatherstripping free.

The new weatherstripping was simply put into the metal on the body around the door. I started at the center of the bottom of the door so the joint would be in that location. The weatherstripping was worked into place all around the door.

This incredibly simple task took all of 10 minutes including loosening/securing the plastic trim.

A road test proved the worth of this project. Next step will be to replace all the other door and liftgate weatherstripping.


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The old weatherstripping ...


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Hey Al- did the new one cure the "gap" on the bottom from the old one shrinking?

Congrats on your new soundproof Ex!

Well done, I ordered a couple more for my rear doors.

FYI, the gap is more likely to begin or grow if the weatherstripping is removed for some reason. Typically they don't shrink or show signs until they get removed for bodywork etc. Mine were fine from both my 99 and 93, but after installing the better set(rebuilt truck), all of the gaps grew quickly.

Even the front pair from my 93 which were new from 2000 when the truck was first painted, they shrunk in five years, after the rebuild of two years ago. Regards,

Interesting- Guess I was incorrectly informed then that it was age shrinking them... Sounds good! I might fix some noise now too! :)

lol, way too funny ,, age and shrinkage,,,

on a more serious note,,, , the gap can be adjusted i am sure by just working the weather stripping a bit,,
i pushed and pulled mine a bit and it closed the gap , looks good,,

oh and yes,,, subscribing,,,

i nominate Al for Explorer Sainthood,,,

When the weather strips get old, and then show shrinking, any movement of them will pull the nearest corners out. That makes the corners short and not fit snugly.

The only real trick is like doing the cheap sliding body moldings(cut long and compress as it is installed). When they are brand new you can move them around the door a bit and arrange it so that there is say an extra inch of material on the bottom(seam side). Then the other three sides will maintain there length, and the extra inch of material that you placed on the bottom, you compress it along the bottom length, forcing it to fit evenly there. That results in having a little extra material along the bottom, thus any shrinkage will not show there.

Totally worth the time and money. I replaced all the weather stripping in BII last summer and what a difference.

I got mine off e-bay at a good price. Plans are to change out the explorers weather stripping as well. Just got a few other mods ahead of that, that need to be finished first.:thumbsup:

(Don't forget the conditioner. It will keep the stripping from drying out and shrinking)

After a nice road trip today, I could really hear and feel the difference.

Replacing the weatherstripping was definitely worthwhile.

Did you get a chance to replace the weatherstripping on the other doors? If so did you have to remove the rear interior paneling to replace the rear door stripping?

Ah okay. I'll just have to make it up as I go then.

Liftgate Weatherstripping?

Been trying to find OEM liftgate weatherstripping for a 1996 Explorer 4dr. All I find is front and rear door weatherstripping. Is it the same? If the door weatherstripping is too short, do I just use two sections?

Love this truck - had it for 10 of its 15 years of life, it is loaded, 4WD, leather, and expect to get another 15 years life out of it (it only has 130,000 miles, after all)

Bob G.

Welcome Bob, and how much looking have you done? Try Tasca Ford, I bought all of the weatherstrip for my 98 truck, and they found almost everything that my local dealer couldn't.

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Check with Tasca Ford, I paid about half of that for my OEM seal.
