Dr. Pepper's 118th Birthday-June 13, 2009 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dr. Pepper's 118th Birthday-June 13, 2009

Stang Girl

Explorer Addict
July 11, 2005
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Bastrop, TX
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'04 Cobra R Clone
Yes, I will be going with one of my best friends. Free Dublin Dr. Pepper on every corner, free tours of the bottling plant, Dr. Pepper birthday cake and jerky. I have already warned my co-workers that I'll be on a sugar high for about a week! :dpchug: I'll take pics ;)

This is me from 2 years ago at the birthday party!

2009 Birthday Planning -- "There's no place like home!"


Come join Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the rest of the Land of Oz for Dublin Dr Pepper’s birthday. On June 13, 2009, the oldest Dr Pepper bottling plant in the world, located in Dublin, Texas, will celebrate its 118th Birthday.

This year's celebration actually begins on Monday, June 8 when for one week the Dublin city limit signs are changed to Dr Pepper, Texas. Friday night, Alleyfest will kick off with only the best in arts and crafts displayed in Hogan’s Alley.

But early Saturday is when the real fun begins starting with the 10-2-4k runs. No matter what level runner you are, we’ve got the run for you! The 10-2-4k run is a charity run with all proceeds going to the Dublin Lions Club. For online registration and information for the 10-2-4K please.

New this year, will be the first ever Tour de Pepper Bike ride. Dublin Dr Pepper has joined hands with Kids Across Cultures to bring 9, 34 and 62 mile courses that wind down country roads throughout the Cross Timbers area.

Beginning at 10, there will be plenty of entertainment to fill the rest of the day. This year’s birthday theme is “There’s No Place Like Home”.

Visitors will be treated to free Dublin Dr Pepper and free tours of the bottling plant and museum all day long. All carnival games and food booths are run by charitable organizations, and all money raised during the birthday will go to charity. And of course, everyone will share in Dublin Dr Pepper's huge 118th birthday cake.

The annual birthday party, which began in 1991 when the plant observed its 100th birthday, is a “thank you” celebration from the Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Co. and parent company Dr Pepper Snapple Group to their customers. All proceeds from the birthday celebration benefit local and area non-profit and charitable organizations

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I went to the one last year it was pretty cool. Be on the look out for the one man in the denim kilt lol.


Dr. Pepper jerky? Hmmmmm... That sounds awesome!! :D

Dr. Pepper jerky? Hmmmmm... That sounds awesome!! :D

Dr Pepper jerky? *shudders* I dislike Dr Pepper with a passion, then again I dislike any drink that's cherry flavored. I haven't even drank cola drinks for 3 years. For some reason, I got an adversion to it, weird considering cola used to be my soda of choice. Nowadays I mostly drink lemon lime soda, and my favorite is Sierra Mist Ruby Splash, which is lemon lime with ruby red grapefruit flavor.....it's great

Had a great time yesterday!.

Here are some pics:



