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drive vs. overdrive


Cat 3 Hurricane Rated
July 2, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Venice florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Eddie Bauer
1):D I just got my X a 93 Eddie B. a month ago used for $4,000. But it did not come with an owner's manual so I do not know if I should drive it in drive or over drive like my mom's Mercury cougar (ford) says?:rolleyes:

I Live in Florida there are NO hills here, and I do half city and half highway. Any suggestions?

2):cool: Where can I get a manual cheap, aside from ebay or junk yard?

3):mad: I have some nice PICS of my last truck, a 95 Ranger that I rolled. I would love to share them, but a box pops up and I do not know what to type in there.

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If you have no hills and aren't towing...........just leave it in OD.

You will need to post your pics on another web host, then link them here. OR, of course, become Elite.

1. Leave it in OD and forget about it.
2. Real man don't read manuals. We figure stuff out as we go. ;)
3. What Robb said.

The only other time to shut off overdrive is when pulling a heavy trailer under load, such as a hill.....

Or when racing, turning OD off makes you accelerate faster :D

Originally posted by X-factor

2. Real man don't read manuals. We figure stuff out as we go. ;)
maybe i'm a wuss but i'd rather read the manual than be really upset later :)

Originally posted by EliteConcept
maybe i'm a wuss but i'd rather read the manual than be really upset later :)

Hahaha... me too. But I thought it was a manly thing to say. :D

Should you really shut O\D off when racing?

When you have OD, the computer tells the tranny to shift early to optimize fuel economy. With the OD off, it lets the engine rev up in the higher rpm range before the trany shifts it to a higher gear. That is the reason why stick shift or manual tranny is faster off the line than automatics.

Ok now I have another ? See if you can answer this... Now I have the apten chip which took away the rev limit should I still take my O\D off when I wanna race?:p

Hmmm... good question. I don't know. I don't have a chip, I don't know exactly how it works but I think the chip takes care of taking the tranny to rev up to the optimum rpm. But I guess you already know that. :)

Overdrive doesnt engage at WOT, so turning it off doesnt do anything. And the reason that Manuals can beat automatics off the line during a race is because they can stall their car to what ever rpm they want, as where in an automatic you can only stall as high as the torque converter will allow, usually around 2k. You can get a Owners Manual at the local ford dealership.

Can't you just put it in neutral, rev it to 4,000 rpm and then put it to drive? Your tranny will hate you for it but it'll make your car jump off the line.

I wouldn't reccomend doin that... Unless you have lots of money to buy a new tranny. Funny story my friend has an x with the all wheel drive only he didn't know it. So one day were in this parking lot and I'm doin 360's like crazy what a smoke show. Anyway he tries to light them up only he can't then he gets pissed off and revs the **** out of his truck and slammed it into drive BAM!!!
Put it this way his truck was towd from the parking lot to his house...:rolleyes:

Damn :) . So, you were doing 360 with a 2WD and he can't because he has AWD?

Yeah And he got so pissed that he couldn't smoke'em It was really funny untill **** started pourin out from under his truck, And I had to call a tow. But I was still laughin:D


  • fun3.jpg
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here's another


  • fun1.jpg
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Wooow... :eek: What do you have under there?

An engine some wires and ummmmmmmmm a battery;)

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There is no difference between OD and D when the pedal is all the way down. The computer does not shift early when in OD, it just won't shift into overdrive when you have the selector on plain old D. Manuals are also faster off the line than autos because they don't have a slipping torque converter to sap power ;)

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