Driver Seat Removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driver Seat Removal


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2014
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2005 Ford Explorer XLT
How do you remove the drivers seat? It is a powered seat.

Do I just need to remove the 4 screws at the points, or is there something else?

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Just the four screws. Leave it powered so you can get to the nuts, then disconnect the plugs and pull it out.

Just to be clear, I don't have to worry about disconnecting the battery because of the air bag?

I didn't unplug the battery

Just to be clear, I don't have to worry about disconnecting the battery because of the air bag?

Removing the drivers seat has nothing to do with the air bags as long as you don't slam anything into the steering column (where an air bag is housed) while removing the seat. By keeping the battery connected and power to the power seat control buttons, you can move the seat forward or reverse to get at the 4 bolts that hold the seat down. Once the bolts are out, disconnect the power seat wire harness and remove the seat from the car.

Removing the drivers seat has nothing to do with the air bags as long as you don't slam anything into the steering column (where an air bag is housed) while removing the seat. By keeping the battery connected and power to the power seat control buttons, you can move the seat forward or reverse to get at the 4 bolts that hold the seat down. Once the bolts are out, disconnect the power seat wire harness and remove the seat from the car.

This is 100% correct. I've had my power seat out on multiple occasions. Always leave the battery connected to move the seat for ease of removal of the 4 bolts, followed by carefully disconnected the power connectors. It's really very easy.

02 Explorer XLT

I too need to remove my 6 way power driver seat. I noticed a plastic cover over one of the seat mounts nearest the driver door. How do I remove the plastic cover without breaking it?

This may help the next guy. The plastic cover is held in place with two clamps under the plastic. Start lifting up at the front sides and the cover will slip away from the clamps.
