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Driver's seat adjustment.


New Member
February 2, 2011
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City, State
Haleyville Ala
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 sport
I just recently purchased a used 2001 ford explorer sport. My question? Is there a way to raise the rear part of the driver side seat. It slides in and out fine, the back moves forward and backwards fine. I just need the seat to go straight up so my wife can see over the steering wheel.

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Depends on how high you need to raise it. You can put a stack of washers underneath the frame rails where they bolt to the floor, so the rails sit up off the floor. Probably not safe to get more than an inch or so that way, however. Anything more than that probably requires a pillow on the seat. You might also consider retrofiting with a power seat if you don't have one - mine goes up and down some.

Hey Pops! I'm a only five feet tall and I didn't need to do anything but pull the seat adjustment lever up. There is forward, back, up and down. As well as tilt forward and back. I just played with them all til I got it where I was comfortable. Also, sometimes the wires below the seat get stuck on the seat belt female connector (between drivers seat and armrest). When I want to adjust my seat I push the seat belt connector back towards the seat like a lever before I use the controls.

Thanks everybody. Our explorer doesnt have any adjustments except foward and backward, along with the back folding foward to allow for entry into the back seats. Looking like I will need to raise the back of the frame off the floor to make the adjustments.
David Stanford

David- if you need more than a few washers, take one of the bolts to the hardware store and just have them match it up for a longer one and you can stack some spacers under there. My neighbor did that with about 2" of 'lift' on his seat on an old Ranger. Same seats, though...

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running boards.

anybody got a good ideal on where to buy running boards close to florence alabama.

Lots of Explorers in junkyards after C4C - have you tried there??

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