Drivetrain vibration while towing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drivetrain vibration while towing


New Member
April 11, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
I have a drivetrain vibration on a 2000 xlt AWD which feels to come from the passenger rear tire.

It has happened one time without towing. I went to pass a car on the interstate (running 72 at time) and I thought I blew a tire as the vibration was so bad. I backed off the gas and it stopped and did not happen again for 80 miles. I picked up my sailboat (16 hobie - maybe 500 lb with trailer) and the problem came and went and different speeds on the trip to the lake. Unhooked the trailer and did not feel it on the way home (compared to towing) The vehicle has 160K of which 80% are highway. I have had the vehicle serviced on a regular basis. The transmission fluid looks good and at the right level. It has not had a fluid leak in its lifetime.

Any Ideas?????

2000 XLT AWD

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The driveshaft u-joints are good? Wheel-bearing? Or brakes siezing up on 1 side staying engaged?

U-joints were replaced about 30K ago. They are on my list to check better as I detected no play last night in a hurry. I did not notice the rotors being hot. The wheel bearings are a good suggestion. Thanks!

2000 xlt

I'd pull the driveshaft and check the u-joints myself. They can seem good and you won't know unless you remove the driveshaft and check them.


I will pull the drive shaft next week and check. I'm happy no one believes it is a transmission problem.

Thanks for all the advice.

2000 XLT
