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Driving in deep water, now my ex sounds weird :(


July 23, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Toms River, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 ranger xlt
Alright so it's been raining a lot the past week. The street downtown was flooded like 1.5 feet. And I just had to drive through it. The ex made it through, but shut off at the end. Now it sounds like one of those remote controlled toy cars!!! It also makes these weird clicking noises every now and then. Can somebody help me!!

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My brother did this with his Mazdaspeed 3 in a puddle in NYC. It stalled and wouldnt start for a few hours. After it did it ran rought making weird noises but it cleared up after about 50 miles of driving.

Now, I'm not at all sying you are in the clear... but it does run so you are half way home. I'd check to make sure there is no moisture in the airbox, on the filter, the MAF sensor, and any of the intake ducting. If there is, dry it out really good.

As for the noises, have your tranny flushed and change your diff fludids. There are vents in the diffs that COULD let water in if they are under water long enough.

Damn, my truck just died because the alternator failed!!! Im never driving in deep water ever again until I get this thing lifted. The sound never went away, and it turns out the sound was coming from the alternator.

Well that's a whole lot better than the engine locking up.

1.5 feet....thats not that deep

just go REALLY fast...makes the puddle about 3 inches when your engine gets to it

I dont wanna take my chances with my ex though! The alternator costs a ton of money! This alternator set me back a bit with my plans for my ex.

the alternator is around $220 if you install it yourself. its a fairly easy job even if you have no idea what your doing

I paid 190 for it and had my bro put it in. Runs like a champ now!

Engines are a lot more expensive. If you have not modified your X for deep water, then dont go deeper than the hubs.

You should check the fluids in your differentials, transmission and transfer case. They may be contaminated with water and should be replaced if contaminated. I would also check your air filter.

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