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Dual Batteries in a '00

When I first bought my Optima it was interesting to see how much unused space was left since the stock battery is so large, and the Optima so small. After a little bit of thinking I figured I could probably get two Optimas in the same location as my stock battery.

Optima in stock location:

New dual batt. tray vs. stock batt. tray:

Different angle of new tray (still need to be cleaned up and painted):

Had to hack out a bit of fender well and relocate the ABS module:

View from wheel well (without plastic liner in):

And all together:


Now I just have to decide how I want to wire it all in.

Oh, and figure out how to keep them in place. I was thinking about a strap, but I'm worried that it wear through too quckly.

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was your X ever in a front end collision?

I think what section525 was wondering about was the red paint on your rubber doodads that the hood rests on. There is red paint on one of them, which usually means someone has been painting.

Really nice battery tray. I wired mine kind of like robbs diagram but without the ignition switch. The main thing I wanted was to be able to play the radio while camping/etc. without worrying about needing a jumpstart.

I was thinking for the batt. holdown, you could use a thick piece of flat stock going across both batteries and use J-hooks on the ends(if there is room).
Just a thought:)

Originally posted by DB_1
I was thinking for the batt. holdown, you could use a thick piece of flat stock going across both batteries and use J-hooks on the ends(if there is room).
Just a thought:)
Thats the problem, there is no room. If i had had room, I would have fabbed up a bracket on top. I've got a strap holding it down for now and we'll see how long it lasts.

Back to the drawing board again i guess...lol.

When you get your SAS done and, we should get a run together. Seems pretty quiet on the board these days as far as So Cal is concerned.

Ok, bought myself a Lincoln Electric Weldpak 3200HD. I smell an SAS in the wind, so I gotta start practicing...

My first weld was making the bottom tray. Butt ugly welds, strong as hell, but I figure I'll grind'em down a bit.

Thanks for the drawings!! :D But I couldn't cut a straight line with a chop saw, let alone a 45 degree angle. :p

I'm making room for a snorkel where the air box was...I stuck my yellow top over there, but when I saw yours...the wheels started turning.

One question though, do you think you could have gotten away with not cutting the fender well? Even if they're a little inclined...the Optimas aren't that tall...looks like it might fit.

:( I don't wanna cut my fenderwell! :(

:D But hey- if that's what I gotta do- that's what I gotta do! :D (but I really don't want to cut it.)

Are you using a more powerful Alternator? I have tried this setup with my other vehicle and the stock alternator couldn't give enough juice to both batteries.

Also, using an isolator, you could wire it up so that one battery is designated to start the truck and the other for accessories like the headlights and stereo. This way no-way you will be stuck with a drain battery.

Originally posted by cdsl227
One question though, do you think you could have gotten away with not cutting the fender well? Even if they're a little inclined...the Optimas aren't that tall...looks like it might fit.
Its already extremely snug having them level, and the front battery would end up tucking up under the metal overhang if you angled them, but it never hurts to try. I choose level cause it looked better, and I hadn't used my friend - the sawzall in a while :D

Originally posted by X-factor
Are you using a more powerful Alternator? I have tried this setup with my other vehicle and the stock alternator couldn't give enough juice to both batteries.
Not enough juice? true it will charge them slower, but as long as you don't run them down too much that shouldn't be a problem.
I have not upgraded alternators. I beleive the stock alt is like 120 amps, which is fine except when I want to power all my lights (but they're never all on at the same time). If i ever get a winch I may upgrade, but I have no problems now.

It's funny you mention Mr. Sawzall, I was at home depot and Mr. Dewalt just started calling me! :D

So I bought the 9 amp sawzall...but I don't know if I want to introduce him to my baby yet...he did fine job of cutting the 1/8 in angle iron for the batt tray though! :D

I'm running a 200 amp Mr. Alternator job w/ 120amp isolator...I haven't check in a while, but I think I'm gonna throw a voltmeter on the aux batt (yellow) to make sure there's sufficient voltage going to it.

one note on the whole no room issue.

after i did this when i went over bumps my truck was shutting off. my positive terminal was touching my hood over the bumps! make sure you don't do the same.


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That's funny, when I mounted mine they were like way down in there...

Nowhere near the hood...I gotta get some pictures in my site for it.

I mounted my new tray *Jefes design, thank you very much, on an angle so I wouldn't have to cut too much out. I did still have to cut away some, but didn't go far enough that I had to take out the wheel well cover.

I noticed you put 2 batterys in your engine. I am running alot of power off my battery. I am a fireifghter and I have a bunch of strobe lights. I also have 2 12 inch Rockford He's with a 700s amp. My battery gets alot of curosion do to the draw off the battery. I want to do the same thing you did. How much do you think it would cost for you to weld me that bracket for? I really want 2 strong batterys in my explorer. My explorer is a 95 XLT

Jefe is I'll bet a much better welder than I !! :D

Mine did come out nice, but I had to clean it up after welding...

I know this is a very old thread, but i just did a dual batter set up, same as Jefe, but with no tray and i didn't need to cut the fender wall, i just have the batteries sitting on the fender wall, and i'm using the stock battery and a regular type 34... I did have to cut about an inch off the front...corssmember (the piece of body that the rad bolts to). And i use have them both grounded, and a terminal with a wing nut on the aux battery and a 9"cable the truck to connect the two...all it cost me was 40 for a rebuilt battery... (the only thing i need to do is bulit a try of some sort, i think i may just use some flat stock and built s basic tray and maybe use some tiedowns to keep it in place.)

battery tray...

Hey... love the tray...might use it. Just was wondering what batteries you designed the tray for? Optima (what type?)


As an update to this:
I still have the batteries paralleled with no problems. Just remember that the batteries need to be identical (don't use an old battery with a newer one, or two different models of battery)
I'm still using a nylon strap to hold them down and it is holding up much better than expected.
I have angled the mount up a bit (about an inch at the back) because my tire was rubbing on the bottom of the mount. Still needs some more angle, and then I would have been able to keep the fender complete (except for having to remove the bracket from the truck with the coil over hoop in the way. Took me longer to get the bracket out and back in than it did to modify it. LOL )

Jefe, just wondering why you said the batteries have to be the same, mine are not, (old with new, two different brands) and I`m over two years with no problem.

ld50 said:
Jefe, just wondering why you said the batteries have to be the same, mine are not, (old with new, two different brands) and I`m over two years with no problem.
And you have them parralleled all the time? You are very fortunate then.

Every battery has a different internal resistance, etc, so as you use them and charge them they can become unballanced and so one battery will be carrying the load of the other. Lead acid batteries are usually pretty forgiving, but better to be safe than sorry.

My brother bought his second Optima battery a few months after the first and hooked them in parrallel until he could get his solenoid installed. The older optima started spewing battery acid and was very hot. after pulling them out we found that even though they were the same spec, they were two different part numbers.

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