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Dual Moon roof Rattle

Sorry to have been off the boards so long. Yes, we took Green Bean back to the dealer a second time and were able to have the repairs satisfactorily completed. No more rattle!! Much more pleasant now. Plumbago, I'm sorry you've had so many problems with your XLT. We love ours. Definitely seems like the Explorers have had mixed reviews. I am grateful we appear to have gotten one of the good ones. I feel like I can honestly review the Ex at this point though. We bought her in Aug '12 and I'm already approaching 16k miles. Soooo....I've driven her a bit... Back to the main topic however, they said they finally had to loosen basically all the bolts for the moonroof and then retighten everything. Not sure why that wasn't done the first time. Apparently, the next step would have been to completely remove and replace the seals...happy we didn't have to go down that path.
- Happy travels- Toddy

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Sorry to have been off the boards so long. Yes, we took Green Bean back to the dealer a second time and were able to have the repairs satisfactorily completed. No more rattle!! Much more pleasant now. Plumbago, I'm sorry you've had so many problems with your XLT. We love ours. Definitely seems like the Explorers have had mixed reviews. I am grateful we appear to have gotten one of the good ones. I feel like I can honestly review the Ex at this point though. We bought her in Aug '12 and I'm already approaching 16k miles. Soooo....I've driven her a bit... Back to the main topic however, they said they finally had to loosen basically all the bolts for the moonroof and then retighten everything. Not sure why that wasn't done the first time. Apparently, the next step would have been to completely remove and replace the seals...happy we didn't have to go down that path.
- Happy travels- Toddy

Thanks for the update, Toddy! I'm thrilled to hear that you're rattle-free - sounds like your dealership took great care of you. If you need anything in the future, just give me a holler!


i am a new ford owner and we have had are 2013 explorer for about 30 days and the 2 week i saw water in the moon roof track and it was rattling took it in and i think the fix the water problem but still have the rattling i do not know if it is the seat behind the driver or the moon roof and help from anyone would be great i do not know what to do i just do not want to keep taking the truck back to the dealer i just want it fixed plz help!

Agree with @redngreedy, be persistent!! It can be fixed and that moonroof is such a nice feature. Totally worth the trouble to get it rattle-free! Good luck-Toddy

Moon Roof rattle

Our 2013 XLT is my first Ford and have been very happy until this serious rattle started in the moon roof area about a month ago. Bought the car about 1 year ago and have almost 11,000 miles. I'm waiting for my dealer to get the fuel leak recall parts in and will have them address the rattle also. Hope it's an easy fix. Other than that, very pleased with the Explorer.

Our 2013 XLT is my first Ford and have been very happy until this serious rattle started in the moon roof area about a month ago. Bought the car about 1 year ago and have almost 11,000 miles. I'm waiting for my dealer to get the fuel leak recall parts in and will have them address the rattle also. Hope it's an easy fix. Other than that, very pleased with the Explorer.
Welcome to the Forum hdjoe88.:wavey:
You said in the 'moon roof area'. Could it be the sunscreen? Have you tried driving it with the shade closed or partially closed to see if the rattle is still there. How about when the moon roof is open or tilted?


The rattle is there in any configuration but isn't as loud when the moon/sun roof is all the way open.

Our 2013 XLT is my first Ford and have been very happy until this serious rattle started in the moon roof area about a month ago. Bought the car about 1 year ago and have almost 11,000 miles. I'm waiting for my dealer to get the fuel leak recall parts in and will have them address the rattle also. Hope it's an easy fix. Other than that, very pleased with the Explorer.

Hi hdjoe88,

Send me your information in a PM; I want to do what I can to assist you. To get started, I'll need your VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, and full name; I'll check out options to help.


Sun Roof rattle update

Hi hdjoe88,

Send me your information in a PM; I want to do what I can to assist you. To get started, I'll need your VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, and full name; I'll check out options to help.


Finally had my '13 XLT in for the fuel leak recall and asked my dealer to look into the rattle. They could not duplicate the rattle at first and I took a tech for a ride and we couldn't duplicate it either! We thought that maybe it was a plastic piece that sits under the rear edge of the sun roof that the tech believes acts as a rain gutter since it is movable. Turns out this was not the case because as I drove out of the dealership the rattle began again and I took it right back. The service writer and I isolated the rattle to the stationary rear sun roof. Further investigation into its cause is needed and it was the end of the day so I'll have to go back. Stay tuned.....

...Further investigation into its cause is needed and it was the end of the day so I'll have to go back. Stay tuned.....

Thanks for keeping us posted, hdjoe88! Let us know when you have any new updates to share. :)


Got this issue also. At first I thought it came from the tool box i had at the back. The sound got more frequent even if I had already removed the tool box. Will bring it to the dealer's attention upon oil change. *sigh* this sound and the windshield noise are reall annoying!

I go back 9/11. Don't like the thought of them possibly having to pull the big sun roof out. When I press on the glass it stops the rattle. It will rattle when I close a door! :mad:

Got this issue also. At first I thought it came from the tool box i had at the back. The sound got more frequent even if I had already removed the tool box. Will bring it to the dealer's attention upon oil change...

Hi dragonexplorer12,

Let me know how things go at the dealership. If you need my assistance, I'm always happy to do what I can to help; send me a PM with your VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, and full name so I can check out some options.


Dropped off the Explorer at the dealer yesterday. Got a call in the afternoon from the service writer. He wants to replace the large moon roof but has to get the OK from Ford. Hope they approve and the fix works. Aaaahhh!

Replacing moon roof

No sooner had I posted about awaiting Ford's approval I got a call from my dealer. Approval for replacement of the back moon roof has been granted. Parts won't be in for a week or two........ Stay tuned

Rattle Update

Just picked up the Explorer from my dealer. RATTLE is GONE. They replaced the entire rear moon/sun roof glass. I also asked them to activate my DRL after showing them the instructions posted on here. I had asked them previously during an oil change and was told my vehicle "was not equipped with DRL." I brought this up to my salesman after dropping off the vehicle for the rattle fix. He went out to the shop and brought in a technician and I showed him the directions from this forum. He looked at them and said "Should be no problem." When I picked up the vehicle today, there they were!

I have 300 miles on my 2014 explorer and already have the rattle. There doesn't seem to be anything i can press on to make the rattle stop. If i bang on the rear moonroof glass from inside -or even the outside - i can hear it.

The car goes into the dealer tomorrow.

Over all I am so far happy with the Explorer and its quality. I came from driving a Toyota for the past ten years and have a higher standard. Hopefully this moonroof issue isn't the first of many.

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My dual moon roof is rattling as well. I am 99% sure it is coming from the wind deflector thing that pops up when you open the moon roof. It only rattle when the moon roof is completely closed and doesn't rattle when it is even slightly open. Gently hitting the glass when it is closed reproduces the rattle. I'm going to bring it up to the dealer next time I go in. Anyone experience this issue? My dealer isn't the most thorough dealership in the world when it comes to diagnosing warranty stuff...... :(
