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Dynamat for rear speakers


Well-Known Member
February 4, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Silver Spring, Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
Okay right now I've only got my rear speakers hooked up because I took out the wiring for my components to hook them up to my new Clarion amp. I've noticed the panel around each speaker rattles quite a bit. I am going to use Dynamat to solve this problem. My question is, I've got a 2 door so my rear panel is about 8 inches from the metal of the body. If I apply the Dynamat to the metal I doubt it'll fix the rattling problem. So should I apply the Dynamat directly to the plastic panel??


i'd put it on the metal first, dynamat will absorb most of the vibration, if that doesnt cure it you can try it on the plastic, i put it on both the metal and plastic on my rear hatch.
