EE Airdam, yay or nay... | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EE Airdam, yay or nay...

I like it

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Indeed, that's a good look

see what i mean? just too many openings with the bumper slot and it looks like crap. but fill the slot into a smoothie bumper, and it looks good. think ive got some work to do this winter...

thanx fordcrazy!

James t, honestly, I like that airdam both ways. Since my bumper is chrome, if I get that airdam and paint it gloss black, I don't think it'll look like stacked bumpers. This thread has gotten me excited, because I'm gonna order that airdam. :D

me too!!

Originally posted by Hartman
James t, honestly, I like that airdam both ways. Since my bumper is chrome, if I get that airdam and paint it gloss black, I don't think it'll look like stacked bumpers. This thread has gotten me excited, because I'm gonna order that airdam. :D
yea, now that you mention it, i dont think the opening will look bad at all with black. actually, i dont think its that noticable with any other color than white. white is a strange color, and gives some strange illusions. leaving the bumper chrome and painting the dam black to match otta look d@mn good.

Today I ordered that airdam from Honest Charley. I should receive it by next week, I will post pics and thoughts then! :D

i cant wait!!!!! how much did it end up costing shipping and everything?

With shipping, it cost a total of $179. Not bad if you ask me, considering the EE airdam would have cost me upwards of $300.

Waiting for aldive to say, "My EE airdam only cost me $.........."

aldive gets the hookup on everything. hartman, thats gonna look real nice on your ride, cant wait to get some pix of it

I'm thinking about the EE hood blister. I'm looking for an 83 Mustang GT hood blister but if I cant find one I might just have to get the one from EE. I also thinks it looks a little better than the one from the Mustang. If I got one from a Mustang I would have to drill 6 holes in my hood. I dont really want to do that. The one from EE sticks on... We'll see.

i don't think the ee one actually exists. i think it was one of their we'll put it on the site and if we get interest we'll actually built it. have you ever actually seen one with it? i called last year and they said they didn't have it.

Just their Explorer X. This is a pic of... I think its blackdiamonds truck with an 83 mustang blister. It looks almost the same.

Explorer X



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yeah, i know they have the pic on their truck, but i don't think they actually sell them. however, there is a good chance you could find whatever that thing is somewhere else if they don't have it.

the pic of the bottom one is the x with the 83 stang blister on it....thats not the ee one....look closely and you will see that the ee one is more rounded on the edges than the stang one.

i knew which one was which...

sorry i didnt read what you had before the pics....:banghead:

Called EE... Thats a negatory on the blister over there. The're idiots.

Called Ford... '83 Mustang blister is no longer available.

Time to go junkyard hopping. :eek:

i told you about ee and i could have told you about ford. i tried to get ahold of one of those last year and it was hard enough to find that i gave up! good luck in finding one and with the work to put it in and paint it you probably will change your mind like i did.

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Well, the reason I'm after one right now is because I'm going to the bodyshop to have my bullet hole fixed and I will just give them this to paint since they will already have paint mixed.
