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EE rear wing?


Explorer Addict
January 27, 2002
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer Premier
did i see somewhere that EE was gonna make a replica saleen wing? i was gonna get the lund windjammer but i'll wait if this is true. i'd like to see how it looks first. thanks anyone.

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I read the same thing on one of the threads here but unless it came straight from JOHN V. himself, I wouldn't hold my breath on it.

thanks rydinhigh, i knew i saw that somewhere. i'll hold out.

its the wings west wing.. and its for 2002-2003 explorers.. and will not fit yer 96 X.
so dont wait for it.. hook up a lund instead

I was thinking the same thing... although, he made it sound like he was getting a wing for the REST of us non-3rd Generation people.

This brings me back to my original post: Don't hold your breath until it comes straight from JOHN V.

X-Spec Rear Wing From Explorer Express

We are working on it!!!!!

Be patient.............have faith.

Here the same picture again to hold you over.


  • green x wing web.jpg
    green x wing web.jpg
    18.4 KB · Views: 957

The MAN has spoken. :bounce:

NEAT.. damnit.. i spent 100 bucks gettin my LUND painted...

and the saleen style is way better..
oh well maybe thats my excuse to get my trim painted from metallic grey to body color.. hmm

John looks like you better get the group buy up and running. "GOT WINGS?"

and a better picture.. deep in the archives of EE, i found this..


:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Hey John you know I'm waiting for one of your wings can't wait, Maybe you'll have it in time for my birthday!!!

Love to be able to have the wing for your birthday Dino. Let's see what happens.

I like the wing on your red Explorer. It looks like something I saw on a Honda or something this morning. Man your Explorer looks good. It looks better every time I see a picture of it. Those 3" blocks really dropped it right down! It begs for a red front end with the EE Air Dam & Grille! Of course it will need the X-Spec Rear Wing.

Don't rule out a group buy on the wing!

sweet...count me in for one! when the time comes :D

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Whats the "new word" on the wing?
