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Electric engine fan and controller


Hauls the mail.
Elite Explorer
June 17, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Knoxville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Limited AWD 302
For a new fan idea, I have finally got my Volvo fan installed. It was thin enough to go in by itself, but I discovered that it was located almost where the stock fan was. I decided to make the install better by using the stock shroud, epoxying the electric fan to the stock shroud.

I mocked things up and figured to end up with 1/2" of clearance, it turned out to be about 3/16", barely enough. This was a learning experience, as everything is. I wouldn't choose to use a Volvo part again, the replacement costs are too high. A separate motor is not available, and the combination prices from anyone are too high. The eBay $50 price got my attention, thus this first attempt.


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The space between the radiator and water pump pulley is very tight. After building this fan, I can say that the key measurement is the fan motor thickness. If the fan motor and it's fan blades will fit in the space, then it can be made to word.

I basically cut up the stock electric fan shroud to fit within the stock shroud, and epoxied the two together. Selecting shrouds which are made of plastic that can be epoxied is very important, some plastics won't work. Below is one picture of early progress.

I used a separate fan controller(DC Controls) and wiring etc. Regards,


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sounds complicated
I just got a black magic 150 for 99$ off ebay and called it a day

nice Vic?(or marquis) :D

It's a 95 CV, old police car, with Town Car seats, for sale. I've got a new original 150 model fan, made for Mustangs. I heard about how loud they are, so another option was needed. Regards,

I got the largest fan that Advance sells off ebay for a good price about $10-15( can't remember) but mounted it inside the fan shroud. fits nice and tight.


Fan for me

I got the largest fan that Advance sells off ebay for a good price about $10-15( can't remember) but mounted it inside the fan shroud. fits nice and tight.

Hey Tim, I think you have exactly the fan I'm looking for...can you give me any more details so I can try and find one too? And by "Advance" did you mean Advance Auto Parts?
Well once you installed it, did you notice any differences? Does it still cool everything fine? Any gains with mpg? Thanks so much for your help.

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