Elusive Map Sensor Caught on Film- Code 22 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elusive Map Sensor Caught on Film- Code 22


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...and "How To Swap a MAP Sensor"

...The 91's do in fact have a MAP sensor...(Manifold Atmospheric Pressure)...and I've got proof...:biggthump

...I've been working on another code (code 85) so I can pass smog and I thought I had it fixed until, I pulled out a code 22 from nowhere...

Code 22 = MAP (vacuum) or BARO signal out of range - MAP

...I did a bunch of searching and out of the few threads I found, It seemed pretty doubtful I even have a MAP sensor...I figured with my luck I would be the one that has one...Lucky Me...:rolleyes:

...On to the pics....

...A close up pics of the MAP..

...This is a better pic of where the MAP sensor is located...

...Otherwise, you might have a hole where it is suppose to go...:dunno:

...When you pull it out, you need to wobble it out as the ear on the left side of the casing will come out last...I kept pulling the darn thing straight and it wouldn't come out...:confused:

...After you get the whole thing out, you need to simply unclip the plastic face plate, then remove the MAP from it's casing...

...Here is a pic of the back side of the casing...

...The old and the new MAP...

...This is the backside of the old and the new MAP...Note the hollowed out section...You would think it would be cheaper :thumbdwn:

...I got the MAP sensor in stock, at Autozone with a 2 year warranty for the unheard of price $69.99 pl. tx...:eek:

...With the help from member Fixxxer, he sent me this info...
" I've added to 91 MAP circuits, tests and diagrams, Go to the 91-94 folder"

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My 89 Ranger had one of those. But no MAF. It was called a speed density system.

...From what I can find, the '91 X and the Ranger have both, the MAP, and the MAF...I know for sure my 91 X does...

Is your truck ready to get the smog test done now?

...Smog wise, she is all good to go and will meet Mr. Smog man on Monday...:biggthump

...I just need to replace the Stupidlift broken arms now ...:rolleyes:

does a vacuum line need to be hooked up on that? I know mine does not but does it? It just looks like a line could be added. Any ideas.

...That hose looking connection is where it gets it's atmospheric air from...

...No vacuum hose is to be connected to it...;)

Ford used the same sensor (MAP) in a speed density system which did indeed have a vac hose hooked to the manifold. When they changed to a MAF system they removed the vac hose from the manifold and the sensors job changed. When it is used in a MAF system it is called a BAP sensor (barometer air pressure sensor). Its sole purpose is to determine altitude-that is it. The MAF will determine 100% of fueling.-j

hey guys i`m having problems finding where the BAP/MAP is located @ on my 95 4.0 OHV exploder & there`s not one to be found anywhere by using these pics as a reference. i bought a BAP/MAP just like in the pic today

A 1995 won't have the BAP or MAP sensor (same sensor, just different uses). They were only used on SOME 1991 explorers. They were dropped by 1992.


hey guys i`m having problems finding where the BAP/MAP is located @ on my 95 4.0 OHV exploder & there`s not one to be found anywhere by using these pics as a reference. i bought a BAP/MAP just like in the pic today

its part of the mass air flow sensor now.

only 91 and earlier had its own sensor.

Oh my gosh, thanks Tbar, Fixxer, and Jah. I pulled a "22" code on my '91 X and I've been looking for this thing for a week. I thought for sure it would have a vacuum line to it, but it doesn't show on vacuum diagrams (makes sense if it's a BAP instead of MAP sensor). Chilton's and Haynes don't even mention the damn thing.
Could this cause me to pull a "57" code too? 57 is listed as "octane adjust circuit grounded (cars only)".

I found this discussion while looking for pics of a Maps sensor. I just had to have mine replaced and idnt know what it was or where to look. Not being able to repair my own truck I had to take it in.. very expensive..:thumbdwn:

..I wish you could have found this thread sooner..:(

..Would you share with us what they charged you for this?

..You certainly don't have to but, it may help others in the future who may decide that it would be easier to go to a shop rather than fix it themselves..

I wish I had too! It was roughly 300$ to do as they had to connect the computer up to diagnose several codes and then found out it was flagged as map sensor and then change it and clear off the codes again.. all ok now..

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Thanx, for the info on the Map sensor ! I have a 91 Explorer and the truck runs great, but my gas milage stinks resently. I replaced the HEGO sensor and thats when the gas milage went down the drain ! A friend ask if I had replaced the MAP sensor and I said no, so I looked up its location on ALLDATA and to my surprise, its missing, the plug is there, but the sensor isnt ! Do you think the missing MAP sensor in conjunction with the new HEGO sensor could be causing my really bad gas milage ?
