End Play in rear drive shafts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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End Play in rear drive shafts


Well-Known Member
March 17, 2009
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Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire
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Jeep Commander 5.7L HEMI
Hi All

After a 2 hour search on the forum for my answer, I've decided to post a question. Sorry if there is a really good post out there on this already, if there is, please point me in the right direction.

So on to the rear end now, I have a weeping rear axle seal so want to do both bearings and seals. I've noticed that the outside rear brake pads on both sides are worn more than the inners and that there is about 3-4mm of end float when I dont have the pads in. So how do you adjust the end float or is somthing else worn in the diff. Apart from the weepy oil seal on one side the diff is fine and quite

cheers as always


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There is a thrust washer in the diff.

thanks both, no mention of the thrust washer in the Haynes Manual. Do they come in different thicknesses with the idea is you shim it up when you build it up.

Looking at the second reply, it looks like everybody has play and it would appear to be normal to have 'some' play. I'll get my dial guage on it later this week to properly measure it. Does anybody have any info of what are the acceptable tollerances for the float?



hi jim my ford cd gives max axle shaft end play as 0.762 (0.30).hope this helps .cheers chris

Hi jim,
Mine moves about 3mm in and out.
I bought some new 'c' clips to go on the end of the drive shaft thinking they had worn. Found the old ones the same thickness as the new ones!!!
My mate at fords, say they used to use shims form ford transits to take up the slack.
Never got round to doing it but that is part of the reason you might find the brake pedal can feel low because it has to pump the brake caliper back into position.
